Ruben Titos Gil

Showing 12 publications


Enhancing Garbage Collection Synchronization using Explicit Bit Barriers

Jochen Hollmann, Ruben Titos Gil, Per Stenström
44th International Conference on Parallel Processing, ICPP 2015, Beijing, China, 1-4 September. Vol. 2015-December, p. 769 - 778
Paper in proceeding

Hardware approaches to transactional memory in chip multiprocessors

Ruben Titos Gil, M. E. Acacio
Handbook on Data Centers, p. 805-835
Book chapter

ZEBRA: Data-Centric Contention Management in Hardware Transactional Memory

Ruben Titos Gil, Anurag Negi, M. E. Acacio et al
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems. Vol. 25 (5), p. 1359-1369
Journal article

Selective dynamic serialization for reducing energy consumption in hardware transactional memory systems

E. Gaona, Ruben Titos Gil, J. Fernandez et al
Journal of Supercomputing. Vol. 68 (2), p. 914-934
Journal article

Performance and energy analysis of the restricted transactional memory implementation on haswell

Bhavishya Goel, Ruben Titos Gil, Anurag Negi et al
Proceedings of the International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, IPDPS, p. 615-624
Paper in proceeding

Efficient Eager Management of Conflicts for Scalable Hardware Transactional Memory

Ruben Titos Gil, M. E. Acacio, J. M. García
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems. Vol. 24 (1), p. 59-71
Journal article

SCIN-Cache: Fast Speculative Versioning in Multithreaded Cores

Anurag Negi, Ruben Titos Gil
Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization. Vol. 9 (4)
Journal article

Eager Beats Lazy: Improving Store Management in Eager Hardware Transactional Memory

Ruben Titos Gil, Anurag Negi, M. E. Acacio et al
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems. Vol. 24 (11), p. 2192-2201
Journal article

Techniques to Improve Performance in Requester-Wins Hardware Transactional Memory

A. Armejach, Ruben Titos Gil, Anurag Negi et al
Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization. Vol. 10 (4), p. articlenr, 42-
Journal article

Pi-TM: Pessimistic Invalidation for Scalable Lazy Hardware Transactional Memory

Anurag Negi, Ruben Titos Gil, M. E. Acacio et al
Proceedings - International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture, p. 141-151
Paper in proceeding

The impact of non-coherent buffers on lazy hardware transactional memory systems

Anurag Negi, Ruben Titos Gil, M. E. Acacio et al
IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing Workshops and Phd Forum, 25th IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, Workshops and Phd Forum, IPDPSW 2011; Anchorage, AK; 16 May 2011 through 20 May 2011, p. 700-707
Paper in proceeding

Pi-TM: Pessimistic Invalidation for Scalable Lazy Hardware Transactional Memory

Anurag Negi, Per Stenström, Ruben Titos Gil et al
Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques - Conference Proceedings, PACT (Article number 6113816), p. 203-204
Paper in proceeding

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