Samuel Bengmark
I have a background in algebraic geometry but am now focused on education. I am engaged in the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics research group at the Department of Mathematical Sciences. From the spring of 2024, I am the director of the newly started Akelius Math Learning Lab at Chalmers and University of Gothenburg. It is a collaboration with Akelius Math AB and financed by the charity organization Akelius Foundation. The goal is to create learning materials in mathematics, primarily for the global south and refugee camps. The material will be translated into multiple languages and be freely available.

Showing 31 publications
Proceedings Chalmers Conference on Teaching and Learning 2024
What graduates want in teacher education
Pragmatic Research on Educational Practice
PREP – en kollegial process för att forska på sin egen undervisning.
Proceedings Chalmers Conference on Teaching and Learning 2023
PREP - Pragmatic Research On Educational Practice
Pragmatic Research on Educational Practice - PREP
A developmentally descriptive method for quantifying shape in gastropod shells
Undervisningskompetenser, vad är det?
Alternerande föreläsningar - ett undervisningsexperiment där föreläsande varvas med studentarbete
Fermat Pedagogy – a method to help students make effective lecture notes
Success-factors in transition to university mathematics
Siffror och statistik missbrukas lättare om kunskapsnivån är låg
Matteutbildningens framtid står och faller med lärarna
Politiker missar på nytt det centrala
Naturvetenskapligt och tekniskt lärande: Samordning av ämnesdidaktik för tre ämnen
Skolan missar nya lärare med spetskompetens
Novice mathematics students at the university: Experiences, orientations and expectations
Kleinian Lesson Planning Cycle
On track to gifted education in mathematics in Sweden
Chalmersutbildning kan ge högre lärarstatus
Generella kompetenser på IT-programmet vid Chalmers
To Increase Diversity Awareness in Computer Technology Education at Chalmers
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