Sarka Langer
Sarka Langer is a researcher and project manager at IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute in Gothenburg and Adjunct Professor in IEQ at the Division of Building Services Engineering. She conducts research on air quality and chemistry and chemical loads in indoor environments such as dwellings, energy efficient buildings, day-care centers and ships. Further research focuses on emissions of organic substances from construction products and the formation of secondary chemical compounds from the interaction between the materials and ozone.

Showing 54 publications
Theoretical Threshold for Estimating the Impact of Ventilation on Materials’ Emissions
Squalene Depletion in Skin Following Human Exposure to Ozone under Controlled Chamber Conditions
Measured and perceived IEQ under different ventilation strategies in Swedish classrooms
Ventilation strategies and indoor air quality in Swedish primary school classrooms
Indoor climate and air quality: does occupants’ assessment reflect the measured conditions?
Låg luftfuktighet i svenska bostäder – ett problem?
A study on the relationship between energy performance and IEQ parameters in school buildings
Indoor humidity of dwellings in a northern climate
Indoor air quality investigation before and after relocation to WELL-certified office buildings
Ozone Initiates Human-Derived Emission of Nanocluster Aerosols
Effect of Ozone, Clothing, Temperature, and Humidity on the Total OH Reactivity Emitted from Humans
Low Relative Humidity, a Problem or Not in Swedish Dwellings?
The indoor chemical human emissions and reactivity project (ICHEAR): An experimental overview
Study of the measured and perceived indoor air quality in Swedish school classrooms
Impacts of fuel quality on indoor environment onboard a ship: From policy to practice
Early-stage concentrations of formaldehydes and TVOCs in a new low-energy building
Indoor ozone/human chemistry and ventilation strategies
Indoor Temperature Variations in Swedish Households: Implications for Thermal Comfort
Speciation of mercury in the waters of the Weddell, Amundsen and Ross Seas (Southern Ocean)
Effect of energy renovation on indoor air quality in multifamily residential buildings in Slovakia
Mercury flux over West Antarctic Seas during winter, spring and summer
Seasonal study of mercury species in the Antarctic sea ice environment
Indoor air quality in passive and conventional new houses in Sweden
Ozone removal by occupants in a classroom
Phthalate and PAH concentrations in dust collected from Danish homes and daycare centers
Analysis of monocarboxylic acids in atmospheric aerosols by direct thermal adsorption GC/MS method
Chemical characterization of the urban aerosol during GÖTE-2005
The flux of isoprene from a willow coppice plantation and the effect on local air quality
Chemical characterization of the urban aerosol during GÖTE-2005
Air quality in offices, impact of ventilation rate, ozone and limonene
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Showing 9 research projects
Dermal uptake of polycyclic aromatic compounds by work environment exposure
VOC-pass. En metodik för proaktiv och energieffektiv ventialation av tidiga VOC i byggnader
Users’ impact on domestic energy consumption
Energy performance and indoor environment quality in school buildings
Drivers of heating patterns and their impact on residential energy use
Ways to Improving Indoor Environmental Quality in Swedish Schools
Human occupants in the built environment, indoor air chemistry and ventilation strategies