Mohammad Sattari

Researcher at Microstructure Physics

I received my PhD in materials science and engineering from Queen's University, Canada.

I work as a transmission electron microscopy (TEM) research specialist in the division of Materials Microstructure.
My research focuses on microstructural characterization of novel materials by means of advanced analytical electron microscopy techniques, trying to find the link between materials’ microstructure and their properties and behaviour in macro scale.
Since the start of my research career, I have been studying energy related materials, such as Zr alloys for nuclear power plants, ferritic steels for SOFC applications, Ni-based supperalloys for gas turbines and recently solar cells.

Image of Mohammad Sattari

Showing 36 publications


Limits of hydrogen analysis by atom probe tomography targeting Zr(Fe,Cr)<inf>2</inf> second phase particles in Zr-based fuel cladding from reactor operation

David Mayweg, Johan Eriksson Limminger, Mohammad Sattari et al
Journal of Nuclear Materials. Vol. 601
Journal article

Formation of pure zirconium islands inside c-component loops in high-burnup fuel cladding

David Mayweg, Johan Eriksson, Mohammad Sattari et al
Journal of Nuclear Materials. Vol. 597
Journal article

High temperature oxidation of inconel 939 produced by additive manufacturing

Alberto Visibile, Kerem Gündüz, Mohammad Sattari et al
Corrosion Science. Vol. 233
Journal article

Characterization of hydrogen traps in a co-precipitation steel investigated by atom probe experiments without cryogenic transfer

Severin Jakob, Mohammad Sattari, Birhan Sefer et al
Scripta Materialia. Vol. 243
Journal article

Concurrent Improvement of Additive Manufacturing Processability and Creep Performance in a Legacy Polycrystalline Superalloy Using Grain Boundary Strengtheners

Abdul Shaafi Shaikh, Eduard Hryha, Mohammad Sattari et al
Minerals, Metals and Materials Series, p. 883-896
Paper in proceeding

Performance and evolution of cold spray Cr-coated optimized ZIRLO™ claddings under simulated loss-of-coolant accident conditions

Andrea Fazi, Mohammad Sattari, Marta Krystyna Stiller et al
Journal of Nuclear Materials. Vol. 576
Journal article

Intergranular oxidation of additively manufactured Ni-base alloy 625: The role of Si

Anton Chyrkin, W. J. Nowak, Kerem Gündüz et al
Corrosion Science. Vol. 219
Journal article

The influence of oxygen partial pressure on the base oxide of chromia forming steels: The story prior to breakaway oxidation

Mohammad Sattari, Hamed Hoseini Hooshyar, Jesper Liske et al
Corrosion Science. Vol. 213
Journal article

CrN–NbN nanolayered coatings for enhanced accident tolerant fuels in BWR

Andrea Fazi, Mohammad Sattari, Michal Strach et al
Journal of Nuclear Materials. Vol. 586
Journal article

Efficacy of an external chromia layer in reducing nitridation of high temperature alloys

Tommy Sand, S. Bigdeli, Mohammad Sattari et al
Corrosion Science. Vol. 197
Journal article

High-temperature oxidation behavior of additively manufactured IN625: Effect of microstructure and grain size

Anton Chyrkin, Kerem Gündüz, Irina Fedorova et al
Corrosion Science. Vol. 205
Journal article

Should the oxygen source be considered in the initiation of KCl-induced high-temperature corrosion?

Juho Lehmusto, Mohammad Sattari, Mats Halvarsson et al
Corrosion Science. Vol. 183
Journal article

On oxide formation on a single crystalline Ni-based superalloy at 900 °C in SO2 containing atmosphere: The effect of surface treatment

Katrin Jahns, Haiping Lai, Ulrich Krupp et al
Corrosion Science. Vol. 180
Journal article

The effect of additive manufacturing on the initial High temperature oxidation properties of RE-containing FeCrAl alloys

Kerem Gündüz, Alberto Visibile, Mohammad Sattari et al
Corrosion Science. Vol. 188
Journal article

Characterization of as-deposited cold sprayed Cr-coating on Optimized ZIRLO™ claddings

Andrea Fazi, Hisham Aboulfadl, Anand Harihara Subramonia Iyer et al
Journal of Nuclear Materials. Vol. 549
Journal article

Effects of TiO2-Coated Stainless Steel Orthodontic Wires on Streptococcus mutans Bacteria: A Clinical Study

Vahid Mollabashi, Abbas Farmany, Mohammad Yousef Alikhani et al
International journal of nanomedicine. Vol. 15, p. 8759-8766
Journal article

Microscopic investigation of layer growth during olivine bed material aging during indirect gasification of biomass

Robin Faust, Mohammad Sattari, Jelena Maric et al
Fuel. Vol. 266
Journal article

Effects of gas flow on detailed microstructure inhomogeneities in LPCVD TiAlN nanolamella coatings

Ren Qiu, Axel Forslund, Olof Bäcke et al
Materialia. Vol. 9
Journal article

Oxidation of Fe-2.25Cr-1Mo in presence of KCl(s) at 400 °C – Crack formation and its influence on oxidation kinetics

Amanda Persdotter, Mohammad Sattari, Erik Larsson et al
Corrosion Science. Vol. 163
Journal article

The Influence of Oxide-Scale Microstructure on KCl(s)-Induced Corrosion of Low-Alloyed Steel at 400 °C

Mercedes Andrea Olivas Ogaz, Johan Eklund, Amanda Persdotter et al
Oxidation of Metals. Vol. 91 (3-4), p. 291-310
Journal article

Influence of KCl and HCl on a laser clad FeCrAl alloy: In-Situ SEM and controlled environment High temperature corrosion

L. Reddy, Mohammad Sattari, C. J. Davis et al
Corrosion Science. Vol. 158
Journal article

Determination of the oxide scale growth mechanism using 18O-tracer experiments in combination with Transmission Electron Microscopy and nanoscale Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry

Hannes Falk Windisch, Per Malmberg, Mohammad Sattari et al
Materials Characterization. Vol. 136, p. 128-133
Journal article

Temperature dependence of corrosion of ferritic stainless steel in dual atmosphere at 600–800 °C

Patrik Alnegren, Mohammad Sattari, Jan-Erik Svensson et al
Journal of Power Sources. Vol. 392, p. 129-138
Journal article

Interplay of water and reactive elements in oxidation of alumina-forming alloys

Nooshin Mortazavi Seyedeh, Christine Geers, Mohsen Esmaily et al
Nature Materials. Vol. 17 (7), p. 610-617
Journal article

High-Temperature Oxidation of FeCr(Ni) Alloys: The Behaviour After Breakaway

Torbjörn Jonsson, H. Larsson, Sofia Karlsson et al
Oxidation of Metals. Vol. 87 (3-4), p. 333-341
Journal article

Co- and Ce/Co-coated ferritic stainless steel as interconnect material for Intermediate Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cells

Hannes Falk Windisch, Julien Claquesin, Mohammad Sattari et al
Journal of Power Sources. Vol. 343, p. 1-10
Journal article

Severe dual atmosphere effect at 600 °C for stainless steel 441

Patrik Alnegren, Mohammad Sattari, Jan-Erik Svensson et al
Journal of Power Sources. Vol. 301, p. 170-178
Journal article

Oxidation After Breakdown of the Chromium-Rich Scale on Stainless Steels at High Temperature: Internal Oxidation

Torbjörn Jonsson, Sofia Karlsson, Hamed Hoseini Hooshyar et al
Oxidation of Metals. Vol. 85 (5-6), p. 509-536
Journal article

Degradation of ferritic stainless steels under conditions used for solid oxide fuel cells and electrolyzers at varying oxygen pressures

Patrik Alnegren, Mohammad Sattari, Jan Froitzheim et al
Corrosion Science. Vol. 110, p. 200-212
Journal article

The Oxidation of Coated SOFC Interconnects in Fuel Side Environments

Rakshith Nugehalli Sachitanand, Mohammad Sattari, Jan-Erik Svensson et al
Fuel Cells. Vol. 16 (1), p. 32-38
Journal article

Coatings for SOFC interconnects in fuel side environments

Rakshith Nugehalli Sachitanand, Mohammad Sattari, Jan-Erik Svensson et al
ECS Transactions. Vol. 68 (1), p. 1575-1580
Paper in proceeding

Chromium vaporization from mechanically deformed pre-coated interconnects in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells

Hannes Falk Windisch, Mohammad Sattari, Jan-Erik Svensson et al
Journal of Power Sources. Vol. 297, p. 217-223
Journal article

The effect of Ce on the high temperature oxidation properties of a Fe-22% Cr steel: microstructural investigation and EELS analysis

Mohammad Sattari, Rakshith Nugehalli Sachitanand, Jan Froitzheim et al
Materials at High Temperatures. Vol. 32 (1-2), p. 118-122
Journal article

Inhibiting chromium evaporation and oxide scale growth on SOFC metallic interconnects by nano coatings

Patrik Alnegren, Rakshith Nugehalli Sachitanand, Jan Gustav Grolig et al
20th World Hydrogen Energy Conference, WHEC 2014. Vol. 1 (2014)
Paper in proceeding

Evaluation of the oxidation and Cr evaporation properties of selected FeCr alloys used as SOFC interconnects

Rakshith Nugehalli Sachitanand, Mohammad Sattari, Jan-Erik Svensson et al
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. Vol. 38 (35), p. 15328-15334
Journal article

Characterization of Adhesion Strength of HVOF Sprayed IN718 Coatings

Christophe Lyphout, Per Nylén, Uta Klement et al
Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Surface Modification Technologies (SMT22), Trollhättan, Sweden, p. 11-18
Paper in proceeding

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