Elsebeth Schröder

Full Professor at Quantum Device Physics

Source: chalmers.se
Image of Elsebeth Schröder

Showing 72 publications


Initial oxidation of low index Mg surfaces investigated by SCLS and DFT

Zhe Xing, Mattia Fanetti, Sandra Gardonio et al
Applied Surface Science. Vol. 671
Journal article

Tailored pseudopotentials for magnesium surface core level shift calculations

Zhe Xing, Dmytro Orlov, Elsebeth Schröder
Physical Review Materials. Vol. 8 (12)
Journal article

Differences in interaction of graphene/graphene oxide with bacterial and mammalian cell membranes

Victor Lanai, Yanyan Chen, Elena Naumovska et al
Nanoscale. Vol. 16 (3), p. 1156-1166
Journal article

Hard and soft materials: Putting consistent van der Waals density functionals to work

Carl Mikael Frostenson, Erik Jedvik Granhed, Vivekanand Shukla et al
Electronic Structure. Vol. 4 (1)
Journal article

Filter function of graphene oxide: Trapping perfluorinated molecules

David Barker, Angelica Fors, Emelie Lindgren et al
Journal of Chemical Physics. Vol. 152 (2)
Journal article

Untwinned YBa2Cu3O7-delta thin films on MgO substrates: A platform to study strain effects on the local orders in cuprates

Riccardo Arpaia, Eric Andersson, Alexei Kalaboukhov et al
Physical Review Materials. Vol. 3 (11)
Journal article

Extent of Fock-exchange mixing for a hybrid van der Waals density functional?

Yang Jiao, Elsebeth Schröder, Per Hyldgaard
Journal of Chemical Physics. Vol. 148 (19)
Journal article

Signatures of van der Waals binding: A coupling-constant scaling analysis

Yang Jiao, Elsebeth Schröder, Per Hyldgaard
Physical Review B. Vol. 97 (8)
Journal article

Ab initio investigation of monoclinic phase stability and martensitic transformation in crystalline polyethylene

Par A. T. Olsson, Per Hyldgaard, Elsebeth Schröder et al
Physical Review Materials. Vol. 2 (7), p. 7-13
Journal article

The vdW-DF Family of Non-Local Exchange-Correlation Functionals

Elsebeth Schröder, Valentino R Cooper, Kristian Berland et al
Non-covalent Interactions in Quantum Chemistry and Physics: Theory and Applications, p. Chapter 8-
Book chapter

Methylbenzenes on graphene

O. Borck, Elsebeth Schröder
Surface Science. Vol. 664, p. 162-167
Journal article

Involving High School Students in Computational Physics University Research: Theory Calculations of Toluene Adsorbed on Graphene

Jonas Ericsson, Teodor Husmark, Christoffer Mathiesen et al
PLoS ONE. Vol. 11 (8), p. e0159168-
Journal article

Graphene oxide and adsorption of chloroform: A density functional study

Elena Kuisma, Fredrik Hansson, Benjamin Lindberg et al
Journal of Chemical Physics. Vol. 144 (18), p. Art. no. 184704-
Journal article

A Mechanism for Highly Efficient Electrochemical Bubbling Delamination of CVD-Grown Graphene from Metal Substrates

Lihui Liu, X. Liu, Zhaoyao Zhan et al
Advanced Materials Interfaces. Vol. 3 (8)
Journal article

Spin Signature of Nonlocal Correlation Binding in Metal-Organic Frameworks

T Thonhauser, S. Zuluaga, Calvin A. Arter et al
Physical Review Letters. Vol. 115 (13)
Journal article

van der Waals forces in density functional theory: a review of the vdW-DF method

Kristian Berland, Valentino R Cooper, Kyuho Lee et al
Reports on Progress in Physics. Vol. 78 (6), p. 066501-
Journal article

Interpretation of van der Waals density functionals

Per Hyldgaard, Kristian Berland, Elsebeth Schröder
Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. Vol. 90 (7), p. Art. no. 075148-
Journal article

van der Waals density functionals built upon the electron-gas tradition: Facing the challenge of competing interactions

Kristian Berland, Calvin A. Arter, Valentino R Cooper et al
Journal of Chemical Physics. Vol. 140 (18), p. 18A539 -
Journal article

Harris-type van der Waals density functional scheme

Kristian Berland, Elisa Londero, Elsebeth Schröder et al
Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. Vol. 88 (4)
Journal article

Methanol Adsorption on Graphene

Elsebeth Schröder
Journal of Nanomaterials. Vol. 2013 (Art. no. 871706)
Journal article

Benchmarking van der Waals density functionals with experimental data: potential-energy curves for H2 molecules on Cu(111), (100) and (110) surfaces

Kyuho Lee, Kristian Berland, Mina Yoon et al
Journal of Physics Condensed Matter. Vol. 24 (42), p. artikel nr 424213-
Journal article

A van der Waals density functional study of chloroform and other trihalomethanes on graphene

Joel Åkesson, Oskar Sundborg, Olof Wahlström et al
Journal of Chemical Physics. Vol. 137 (17), p. 174702-
Journal article

Physisorption of nucleobases on graphene: a comparative van der Waals study

Duy Le, Abdelkader Kara, Elsebeth Schröder et al
Journal of Physics Condensed Matter. Vol. 24 (42), p. 424210-
Journal article

Desorption of n-alkanes from graphene: a van der Waals density functional study

Elisa Londero, Emma Karlson, Marcus Landahl et al
Journal of Physics Condensed Matter. Vol. 24 (42), p. 424212-
Journal article

Evaluation of a density functional with account of van der Waals forces using experimental data of H2 physisorption on Cu(111)

Kuyho Lee, André Kelkkanen, Kristian Berland et al
Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. Vol. 84, p. 193408-
Journal article

A van der Waals density functional study of adenine on graphene: Single-molecular adsorption and overlayer binding

Kristian Berland, Svetla Chakarova Käck, VR Cooper et al
Journal of Physics Condensed Matter. Vol. 23, p. 135001-
Journal article

Vanadium pentoxide (V2O5): a van der Waals density functional study

Elisa Londero, Elsebeth Schröder
Computer Physics Communications. Vol. 182 (9), p. 1805-1809
Journal article

Molecular systems, growth and overlayers: van der Waals density functional and first-principles thermodynamics calculations

Kristian Berland, Jochen Rohrer, A Kelkkanen et al
SNIC progress report 08/09. Swedish national infrastructure for computing.
Book chapter

Role of van der Waals bonding in the layered oxide V2O5: First-principles density-functional calculations

Elisa Londero, Elsebeth Schröder
Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. Vol. 82 (5), p. 054116-
Journal article

Binding of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and graphene dimers in density functional theory

Svetla Chakarova Käck, Aleksandra Vojvodic, Jesper Kleis et al
New Journal of Physics. Vol. 12, p. Art. Nr. 013017-
Journal article

A density functional for sparse matter

D. C. Langreth, Bengt Lundqvist, Svetla Chakarova Käck et al
Journal of Physics Condensed Matter. Vol. 21 (8), p. 084203-
Journal article

Stacking Interactions and the Twist of DNA

V.R. Cooper, Timo Thonhauser, Aaron Puzder et al
Journal of the American Chemical Society. Vol. 130, p. 1304-
Journal article

Nature and strength of bonding in a crystal of semiconducting nanotubes: van der Waals density functional calculations and analytical results

Jesper Kleis, Elsebeth Schröder, Per Hyldgaard
Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. Vol. 77 (20), p. 205422-
Journal article

Potassium intercalation in graphite: A van der Waals density-functional study

Eleni Ziambaras, Jesper Kleis, Elsebeth Schröder et al
Physical Review B. Vol. 76 (15), p. 155425-
Journal article

Towards a working density-functional theory for polymers: First-principles determination of the polyethylene crystal structure

Jesper Kleis, Bengt Lundqvist, David C. Langreth et al
Physical Review B. Vol. 76 (10), p. 100201(R)-
Journal article

Adsorption of methylamine on alpha-Al203(0001) and alpha-Cr203(0001)

Øyvind Borck, Per Hyldgaard, Elsebeth Schröder
Physical Review B. Vol. 75 (3), p. 035403-
Journal article

First-principles study of the adsorption of methanol at the alpha-Al2O3(0001) surface

Øyvind Borck, Elsebeth Schröder
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter. Vol. 18, p. 1-12
Journal article

Adsorption of phenol on graphite(0001) and α-Al2O3(0001): Nature of van der Waals bonds from first-principles calculations

Svetla Chakarova Käck, Øyvind Borck, Elsebeth Schröder et al
Physical Review B. Vol. 74, p. 155402-
Journal article

Adsorption of methanol and methoxy on the α-Cr2O3(0001) surface

Øyvind Borck, Elsebeth Schröder
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter. Vol. 18 (48), p. 10751-
Journal article

Interactions in nanotube bundles: A first-principles investigation

Jesper Kleis, Per Hyldgaard, Elsebeth Schröder

Dimers of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in density functional theory

Svetla Chakarova Käck, Jesper Kleis, Elsebeth Schröder

First-principles determination of the polyethylene crystal structure

Jesper Kleis, Bengt Lundqvist, David C. Langreth et al

Potassium intercalation in graphite: A van der Waals density functional theory study

Eleni Ziambaras, Jesper Kleis, Elsebeth Schröder et al

Comment on "Attracted by Long-Range Electron Correlation: Adenine on Graphite"

Svetla Chakarova Käck, Elsebeth Schröder, Bengt Lundqvist et al

Adsorption of methylamine on α-Al203(0001) and α-Cr203(0001)

Øyvind Borck, Per Hyldgaard, Elsebeth Schröder

Application of van der Waals Density Functional to an Extended System: Adsorption of Benzene and Naphthalene on Graphite

Svetla Chakarova Käck, Elsebeth Schröder, Bengt Lundqvist et al
Physical Review Letters. Vol. 96 (14), p. 146107-
Journal article

Van der Waals interaction of simple, parallel polymers

Jesper Kleis, Elsebeth Schröder
Journal of Chemical Physics. Vol. 122, p. 164902-
Journal article

van der Waals interactions of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon dimers

Svetla Chakarova Käck, Elsebeth Schröder
Journal of Chemical Physics. Vol. 122 (5), p. 054102-
Journal article

Van der Waals density functional for general geometries (vol 92, art no 246401, 2004)

M. Dion, Henrik Rydberg, Elsebeth Schröder et al
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS. Vol. 95, p. 109902-
Journal article

van der Waals interactions of the benzene dimer: Towards treatment of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon dimers

Svetla Chakarova Käck, Elsebeth Schröder
Materials Science and Engineering C. Vol. 25, p. 787-
Journal article

Van der Waals interaction of parallel polymers and nanotubes

Jesper Kleis, Per Hyldgaard, Elsebeth Schröder
Computational Materials Science. Vol. vol. 33, p. 192-
Journal article

Van der Waals Density Functional Theory with Applications

D. C. Langreth, Max Dion, Henrik Rydberg et al
International Journal of Quantum Chemistry. Vol. 101 (5), p. 599-610
Journal article

O adsorption and incipient oxidation of the Mg(0001) surface

Elsebeth Schröder, R. Fasel, A. Kiejna
Physical Review B. Vol. 69, p. 115431-
Journal article

Van der Waals Density Functional for General Geometries

Max Dion, Henrik Rydberg, Elsebeth Schröder et al
Phys. Rev. Lett.. Vol. 92, p. 246401-
Journal article

Mg(0001) Surface Oxidation: A Two-Dimensional Oxide Phase

Elsebeth Schröder, F. Fasel, A. Kiejna
Physical Review B. Vol. 69, p. 193405-
Journal article

Theory for structure and bulk modulus determination

Eleni Ziambaras, Elsebeth Schröder
Physical Review B. Vol. 68, p. 064112-
Journal article

Van der Waals Density Functional for Layered Structures

Henrik Rydberg, Max Dion, Niclas Jacobson et al
Phys. Rev. Lett.. Vol. 91, p. 126402-
Journal article

Van der Waals Interactions of Parallel and Concentric Nanotubes

Elsebeth Schröder, Per Hyldgaard
Materials Science and Engineering C. Vol. 23, p. 721-
Journal article

The van der Waals Interactions of Concentric Nanotubes

Elsebeth Schröder, Per Hyldgaard
Surface Science. Vol. 532, p. 880-
Journal article

Adsorption of Methanol on Aluminum Oxide: A Density Functional Study

Øyvind Borck, Elsebeth Schröder
ATB-Metallurgie. Vol. 43, p. 342-
Paper in proceeding

Ultrathin Pd and Pt Films on W(211)

Jan Block, J.J. Kolodziej, J.E. Rowe et al
Thin Solid Films. Vol. 428, p. 47-
Journal article

Interaction effects in magnesium oxidation: A lattice-gas simulation

Elsebeth Schröder
Computational Materials Science. Vol. 24, p. 105-110
Journal article

Oxidation of Mg(0001): A combined Experimental and Theoretical Study

Elsebeth Schröder, Roman Fasel, Adam Kiejna
Proceedings of NANO-7/ECOSS-21
Other conference contribution

Hydrogen dynamics in magnesium and graphite

Niclas Jacobson, Bengt Tegner, Elsebeth Schröder et al
Computational Materials Science. Vol. 24, p. 273-277
Journal article

The van der Waals Interactions of Concentric Nanotubes

Elsebeth Schröder, Per Hyldgaard
Proceedings of NANO-7/ECOSS-21
Other conference contribution

Bridging between micro- and macroscales of materials by mesoscopic models

Bengt Lundqvist, Alexander Bogicevic, Sergey V. Dudiy et al
Computational Materials Science. Vol. 24, p. 1-
Journal article

Density-functional bridge between surfaces and interfaces

Bengt Lundqvist, Alexander Bogicevic, Karin M. Carling et al
Surface Science. Vol. 493, p. 253-270
Journal article

Nematic liquid-crystal director configuration for general elastic coefficients

Elsebeth Schröder
Physical Review E. Vol. 62, p. 8830-
Journal article

Diffusion von Teilchen in turbulenten Oberflächenwellen

Elsebeth Schröder, Mogens T. Levinsen, Preben Alstrøm
C. Nowak, I. Wilke, U Wollmer (eds.) ``Kiss the Future! Physikerinnen stellen sich vor'', Tagungsband der Deutschen Physikerinnentagung 1998, Kirchlinteln: Hoho-Verlag Hoffmann und Hoyer, p. 171-175
Other conference contribution

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Showing 4 research projects


DNA: Understanding how nucleobase interactions affect photophysical properties

Elsebeth Schröder Quantum Device Physics
Swedish Research Council (VR)

5 publications exist

Pollutant physisorption and weak chemisorption - atomic-scale theory and calculations

Elsebeth Schröder Quantum Device Physics
Swedish Research Council (VR)

6 publications exist

The Swedish Graphene Initiative

Mikael Fogelström Applied Quantum Physics
Floriana Lombardi Quantum Device Physics
Avgust Yurgens Quantum Device Physics
Herbert Zirath Microwave Electronics
Jan Stake Terahertz and Millimetre Wave Laboratory
Elsebeth Schröder Quantum Device Physics
Jari Kinaret Condensed Matter Theory
Sergey Kubatkin Quantum Device Physics
Tomas Löfwander Applied Quantum Physics
Eva Olsson Eva Olsson Group
Andreas Isacsson Condensed Matter Theory
Niklas Rorsman Microwave Electronics
Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation

2 publications exist

Atomic-scale theory methods for sparse and soft matter

Elsebeth Schröder Quantum Device Physics
Swedish Research Council (VR)

2 publications exist
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