Kevin Marc Seja

Showing 7 publications


Spontaneous splitting of d -wave surface states: Competition between circulating currents and edge magnetization

Kevin Marc Seja, Niclas Wennerdal, Tomas Löfwander et al
Physical Review B. Vol. 110 (6)
Journal article

Thermopower and thermophase in a d -wave superconductor

Kevin Marc Seja, Louhane Jacob, Tomas Löfwander
Physical Review B. Vol. 105 (10)
Journal article

Finite element method for the quasiclassical theory of superconductivity

Kevin Marc Seja, Tomas Löfwander
Physical Review B. Vol. 106 (14)
Journal article

Self-consistent theory of current injection into d and d plus is superconductors

Kevin Marc Seja, Tomas Löfwander
Journal of Physics Condensed Matter. Vol. 34 (42)
Journal article

Quasiclassical theory of charge transport across mesoscopic normal-metal-superconducting heterostructures with current conservation

Kevin Marc Seja, Tomas Löfwander
Physical Review B. Vol. 104 (10)
Journal article

Transport in mesoscopic superconducting devices

Kevin Marc Seja
Licentiate thesis

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