Xinyuan Shao

Doctoral Student at Marine Technology

Xinyuan Shao works a project assistant and is a PhD student from 1 September 2021. Her main academic focus is on upscaling single-unit wave energy converter (WEC) to an array system by doing system engineering, risk analyses and fully coupled hydrodynamic and structure response simulations. In her future research plan, several different WEC technologies, sites of operation and array systems will be simulated, analyzed and optimized for three different WEC concepts in cooperation with WEC development companies.

Image of Xinyuan Shao

Showing 15 publications


A comparison of approaches integrating power take-off systems into wave energy converters simulations

Xinyuan Shao, Jonas Ringsberg, Huadong Yao et al
Innovations in Renewable Energies Offshore - Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Renewable Energies Offshore, RENEW 2024, p. 351-358
Paper in proceeding

An FMI-based co-simulation framework for simulations of wave energy converter systems

Xinyuan Shao, Jonas Ringsberg, Erland Johnson et al
Energy Conversion and Management. Vol. 323
Journal article

Hydrodynamic interactions and enhanced energy harnessing amongst many WEC units in large-size wave parks

Xinyuan Shao, Jonas Ringsberg, Huadong Yao et al
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering. Vol. 12 (5)
Journal article

Performance analysis of two generations of heaving point absorber WECs in farms of hexagon-shaped array layouts

Xinyuan Shao, Huadong Yao, Jonas Ringsberg et al
Ships and Offshore Structures. Vol. 19 (6), p. 687-698
Journal article

The effects of sea-state on optimal generator parameters for a wave energy converter

Shokoufa Zeinali, Magnus Wiktorsson, Johan Lindström et al
Innovations in renewable energies offshore, p. 551-558
Book chapter

FSI simulations and analyses of a non-resonant buoyant wave energy converter

Xinyuan Shao, Huadong Yao, Jonas Ringsberg et al
Proceedings of the International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering - OMAE 2023. Vol. 8
Paper in proceeding

Fatigue of mooring lines in wave energy parks

Xinyuan Shao, Jonas Ringsberg, Huadong Yao et al
Advances in the Analysis and Design of Marine Structures - Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Marine Structures (MARSTRUCT 2023), p. 205-211
Paper in proceeding

A comparison of two wave energy converters’ power performance and mooring fatigue characteristics – One WEC vs many WECs in a wave park with interaction effects

Xinyuan Shao, Jonas Ringsberg, Huadong Yao et al
Journal of Ocean Engineering and Science. Vol. 8 (4), p. 446-460
Journal article

A comparison of the performance and characteristics of two generations Waves4Power WaveEL wave energy converters

Xinyuan Shao, Huadong Yao, Jonas Ringsberg et al
Proceedings of The 5th International Conference on Renewable Energies Offshore (RENEW 2022), p. 277-284
Paper in proceeding

Near-wall modeling of forests for atmosphere boundary layers using lattice Boltzmann method on GPU

Xinyuan Shao, Marta Camps Santasmasas, Xiao Xue et al
Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics. Vol. 16 (1), p. 2142-2155
Journal article

Performance analysis of two generations of heaving point absorber WECs in farms of hexagon-shaped array layouts

Xinyuan Shao, Huadong Yao, Jonas Ringsberg et al
Proceedings of The 7th International Conference on Ships and Offshore Structures (ICSOS 2022), p. 183-195
Paper in proceeding

Near-wall modelling of forests for atmosphere boundary layers using lattice Boltzmann method on GPU

Xinyuan Shao, Xiao Xue, Marta Camps Santasmasas et al
Other conference contribution

The closest isotropic, cubic and transversely isotropic stiffness and compliance tensor to an arbitrary anisotropic material

Xinyuan Shao, Peter Folkow, Morteza Eskandari-Ghadi
Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures. Vol. 16 (4), p. 451-470
Journal article

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Showing 3 research projects


Enhancing Shared mOoring systeM design for flOating Offshore wind faRms (ESOMOOR)

Huadong Yao Marine Technology
Xinyuan Shao Marine Technology
Jonas Ringsberg Marine Technology
Rickard Bensow Marine Technology
Heng Zhu Marine Technology
Swedish Energy Agency


Control of wave energy converters based on wave measurements, for optimal energy absorption (WAVEMEASURE)

Xinyuan Shao Marine Technology
Jonas Ringsberg Marine Technology
Swedish Energy Agency

11 publications exist

INTERACT - Analysis of array systems of wave energy converters with regard to interaction effects in the LCOE and fatigue analyses

Jonas Ringsberg Marine Technology
Erland Johnson Marine Technology
Shun-Han Yang Marine Technology
Xinyuan Shao Marine Technology
Swedish Energy Agency

7 publications exist
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