Staffan Jacobsson

Professor Emeritus at Environmental Systems Analysis

Staffan Jacobsson works with energy policy and science policy. Within the former field, he studies how new energy technologies develop and diffuse and how new industries emerge. Internationally comparative studies are frequently undertaken. In the latter field, he studies how science is made socially useful, focusing on energy and nanotechnologies. The ultimate purpose of the research is to contribute to improved policymaking. He also works with developing the innovation system approach so it can become more useful for policy purposes.

Image of Staffan Jacobsson

Showing 91 publications


Technological discontinuities and the climate transition in Europe: The role of policy in two traditions of economic thinking

Staffan Jacobsson, Björn Sandén
The European Union and the Technology Shift, p. 57-83
Book chapter

Assessing the performance of energy innovation systems: Towards an established set of indicators

I. Miremadi, Y. Saboohi, Staffan Jacobsson
Energy Research and Social Science. Vol. 40, p. 159-176
Journal article

Improving the European Commission's analytical base for designing instrument mixes in the energy sector: Market failures versus system weaknesses

Staffan Jacobsson, Anna Bergek, Björn Sandén
Energy Research and Social Science. Vol. 33, p. 11-20
Journal article

The politics of innovation spaces for low-carbon energy: Introduction to the special issue

R. Raven, F. Kern, A. Smith et al
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions. Vol. 18, p. 101-110
Other text in scientific journal

The politics and economics of constructing, contesting and restricting socio-political space for renewables - The German Renewable Energy Act

V. Lauber, Staffan Jacobsson
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions. Vol. 18, p. 147-163
Journal article

Lessons from Germany’s ”Energiewende”

Staffan Jacobsson, Volkmar Lauber
Fagerberg, J., Laestadius, S. and Martin, B., (2015) (eds): The Triple Challenge: Europe a New Age, Oxford University Press
Book chapter

The politics of protective space and low-carbon energy innovation: Introduction to a special issue

Staffan Jacobsson, Rob Raven, Florian Kern et al
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions
Journal article

Inget siffertrixande om tysk energiomställning

Staffan Jacobsson, Volkmar Lauber
Dagens Samhälle. Vol. 2015 (3 december)
Magazine article

Technological innovation systems in contexts: Conceptualizing contextual structures and interaction dynamics

Anna Bergek, M. Hekkert, Staffan Jacobsson et al
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions. Vol. 16, p. 51-64
Journal article

16. Är den tyska energiomställningen misslyckad?

Staffan Jacobsson, Volkmar Lauber
Dagens Samhälle, 6.11 2015 (web version)
Magazine article

The technological innovation systems framework: Response to six criticisms

J. Markard, M. Hekkert, Staffan Jacobsson
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions. Vol. 16 (Sept.), p. 76-86
Journal article

Havsbaserad vindkraft

Staffan Jacobsson, Fredrik Dolff
Teknologiska innovationssystem inom energiområdet. ER 2014:23.
Book chapter

Empiriska mönster och slutsatser för analytiker

Staffan Jacobsson, Anna Bergek, Hans Hellsmark
Teknologiska innovationssystem inom energiområdet. ER 2014:23
Book chapter

On the German and EU cost discourse - Is a large-scale renewable power supply ”unaffordable”?

Staffan Jacobsson, Volkmar Lauber
Systems Perspectives on Renewable Power 2014, p. 149-159
Book chapter

Conceptual confusion - an analysis of the meaning of concepts in technological innovation systems and sociological functionalism

Staffan Jacobsson, Thomas Jacobsson
Technology Analysis and Strategic Management. Vol. 26 (7), p. 811-823
Journal article

The many ways of academic researchers - how science is made useful at a University of Technology

Staffan Jacobsson, Eugenia Perez Vico, Hans Hellsmark
Science and Public Policy. Vol. 41 (5), p. 641-657
Journal article

Towards a strategy for offshore wind power in Sweden

Staffan Jacobsson, Kersti Karltorp, Fredrik Dolff
Systems Perspectives on Renewable Power 2014, p. 160-171
Book chapter

Behov av investeringar och kompetens - exemplet havsbaserad vind

Kersti Karltorp, Staffan Jacobsson, Björn Sandén
Perspektiv på förnybar el 2014, p. 31-32
Book chapter

The need for financial and human resources - the case of offshore wind power

Kersti Karltorp, Staffan Jacobsson, Björn Sandén
Systems Perspectives on Renewable Power 2014, p. 172-181
Book chapter

Politiska åtgärder för framtidens förnybara drivmedel

Hans Hellsmark, Staffan Jacobsson
Perspektiv på förädling av bioråvara 2014, p. 28-29
Book chapter

Teknikpolitiska lärdomar

Staffan Jacobsson, Björn Sandén
Teknologiska innovationssystem inom energiområdet. ER 2014:23.
Book chapter

Diversity Creation and Technological Systems: A Technology Policy Perspective

Bo Carlsson, Staffan Jacobsson
Systems of Innovation: Technologies, Institutions and Organizations, p. 266-294
Book chapter

Technological Discontinuities and Incumbents’ Performance: An Analytical Framework

Ellinor Ehrnberg, Staffan Jacobsson
Systems of Innovation: Technologies, Institutions and Organizations, p. 318-341
Book chapter

Suiomen vienti kasvunn merituulivomalla

Staffan Jacobsson, Esa Holttinen, Per Stenius
Turun Sanomat (21.2 2013), p. 22-
Magazine article

Merituulivorma on mahdollisuus

Staffan Jacobsson, Per Stenius, Esa Holttinen
Kaleva (12.2 2013)
Magazine article

Bidrag till en handlingsplan för havsbaserad vindkraft i Sverige

Staffan Jacobsson, Kersti Karltorp, Fredrik Dolff

Systems Transformation: Technological and Institutional Change: INTRODUCTION

Staffan Jacobsson
Systems of Innovation: Technologies, Institutions and Organizations, p. 295-297
Book chapter

Potentialen finnas i vind-och biokraft

Staffan Jacobsson, Matthias Rapp, Ola Carlson et al
Ny Teknik (14.8. 2013)
Magazine article

Mechanisms blocking the dynamics of the European offshore wind energy innovation system - Challenges for policy intervention

Staffan Jacobsson, Kersti Karltorp
Energy Policy. Vol. 63, p. 1182-1195
Journal article

Bredda synen på nyttiggörande!

Eugenia Perez Vico, Staffan Jacobsson, Merle Jacob et al
Forskning. Vol. 3, p. 12-
Magazine article

Is the commercialization of European academic R&D weak? - A critical assessment of a dominant belief and associated policy responses

Staffan Jacobsson, A. Lindholm-Dahlstrand, L. Elg
Research Policy. Vol. 42 (4), p. 874-885
Journal article

Itämerella on vahva asema merituulivoimassa

Staffan Jacobsson, Esa Holttinen, Per Stenius
Kauppalehti (20.12 2012)
Magazine article

Policy challenges in realising biomass gasification in the European Union

Hans Hellsmark, Staffan Jacobsson
Systems Perspectives on Biorefineries 2012, p. 89-100
Book chapter

Formation of competences to realize the potential of offshore wind power in the European Union

Staffan Jacobsson, Kersti Karltorp
Energy Policy. Vol. 44, p. 374-384
Journal article

The emerging funding gap for the European Energy Sector - Will the financial sector deliver?

Staffan Jacobsson, Robin Jacobsson
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions. Vol. 2012 (5), p. 49-59
Journal article

Det räcker inte att forska om energi

Staffan Jacobsson, Ola Carlson, Johnn Andersson et al
Ny Teknik (10 December)
Magazine article

Identifying, explaining and improving the effects of academic R&D: The case of nanotechnology in Sweden

Staffan Jacobsson, Eugenia Perez Vico
Science and Public Policy. Vol. 39 (4), p. 513-529
Journal article

Mer fakta i forskningspolitiken tack

Staffan Jacobsson, Åsa Lindholm Dahlstrand, Jacob Merle et al
Ny Teknik, 6.4. 2012
Magazine article

The Dynamics of Sustainable Innovation Journeys

Frank Geels, Hekkert Marko, Staffan Jacobsson
Edited book

Fremmer grönne sertifikater ny teknologi?

Staffan Jacobsson, Anna Bergek
Hanson, J., Kasa, S., Wicken, O. (red): Energirikdommens paradokser. Innovasjon som klimapolitikk og naeringsutvikling, p. 82-102
Book chapter

Systembygging for ny energi

Staffan Jacobsson
Hanson, J., Kasa, S. Wicken, O., (red): Energirikdommens paradokser. Innovasjon som klimapolitik og naeringsutvikling, p. 45-56
Book chapter

Innovation system analyses and sustainability transitions:Contributions and suggestions for research

Staffan Jacobsson, Anna Bergek
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions. Vol. 1 (2011), p. 41-57
Journal article

Functionality of innovation systems as a rationale for and guide to innovation policy

A. Bergek, Staffan Jacobsson, M. Hekkert et al
The Theory and Practice of Innovation Policy: An International Research Handbook, p. 115-144
Book chapter

Towards a systemic framework for capturing and explaining the effects of academic R&D

Staffan Jacobsson, Eugenia Perez Vico
Technology Analysis and Strategic Management. Vol. 22 (7), p. 765 - 787
Journal article

Reflections on the co-evolution of innovation theory, policy and practice: The Emergence of the Swedish Agency for Innovation Systems

Bo Carlsson, Lennart Elg, Staffan Jacobsson
The Theory and Practice of Innovation Policy: An International Research Handbook, p. 45-166
Book chapter

Is the commercialisation of academic R&D really weak?

Staffan Jacobsson, Åsa Lindholm-Dahlstrand, Lennart Elg
Paper presented to The 2010 ERSA (The European Regional Science Association) Congress, Jönköping, August 19-23.
Other conference contribution

114. Functionality of innovation systems as a rationale for, and guide to innovation policy

Anna Bergek, Marko Hekkert, Keith Smith et al
R. Smits, S. Kuhlmann & P. Shapira, eds: Innovation policy, theory and practice. An International handbook
Book chapter

EU renewable energy support policy: Faith or facts?

Staffan Jacobsson, Anna Bergek, Dominique Finon et al
Energy Policy. Vol. 37 (6), p. 2143-2146
Journal article

Opportunities for and limits to Academics as System Builders - The case of realizing the potential of gasified biomass in Austria

Hans Hellsmark, Staffan Jacobsson
Energy Policy. Vol. 37 (12), p. 5597-5611
Journal article

Assessment of the impact of a market formation programme on the Swedish PV innovation system

Björn Sandén, Staffan Jacobsson, Linus Palmblad et al
DIME International Conference “Innovation, sustainability and policy” 11-13 September, Bordeaux.
Other conference contribution

Håller Sverige på att missa klimatutmaningens innovationspotential?

Staffan Jacobsson, Anna Bergek, Christian Berggren
Rönnbäck, A. Ur Startblocken, Svensk Innovationskraft II, p. 159-168
Book chapter

Vem styr forskningen på de tekniska högskolorna

Staffan Jacobsson, Anders Granberg
Forska Lagom och vara världsbäst, p. 33-50
Book chapter

The dynamics of sustainable innovation journeys

Frank Geels, Marko Hekkert, Staffan Jacobsson
Technology Analysis and Strategic Management. Vol. 20 (5), p. 521-536
Journal article

Functions in innovation systems: A framework for analysing energy system dynamics and identifying goals for system-building activities by entrepreneurs and policy makers

Anna Bergek, Marko Hekkert, Staffan Jacobsson
Foxon, T., Köhler, J. and Oughton, C. (eds): Innovations for a Low Carbon Economy: Economic, Institutional and Management Approaches, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 2008, p. 79-111
Book chapter

The emergence and troubled growth of a 'biopower' innovation system in Sweden

Staffan Jacobsson
Energy Policy. Vol. 36, p. 1491-1508
Journal article

Analyzing the functional dynamics of technological innovation systems: A scheme of analysis

Anna Bergek, Staffan Jacobsson, Bo Carlsson et al
Research Policy. Vol. 37 (3), p. 407-429
Journal article

'Legitimation' and 'development of positive external economies':two key processes in the formation phase of technological innovation systems

Anna Bergek, Staffan Jacobsson, Björn Sandén
Technology Analysis and Strategic Management. Vol. 20 (5), p. 575-592
Journal article

An Innovation System Approach in integrated product policy making: what is the added value?

Staffan Jacobsson, Erika Budh, Eva Ahlner
Sustainable Innovation 07, p. 4-9
Paper in proceeding

Inför EU-tull på koldioxid

Staffan Jacobsson, Christian Berggren, Staffan Laestadius
Svenska Dagbladet Brännpunkt. Vol. 10.4.2007
Magazine article

En myt att Sverige minskat utsläppen av växthusgaser

Staffan Jacobsson, Christian Berggren, Staffan Laestadius
Dagens Nyheter Debatt. Vol. 17.2.2007
Magazine article

Myth or Reality - a scrutiny of dominant beliefs in the Swedish science policy debate

Staffan Jacobsson, Anders Granberg
Science and Public Policy. Vol. 33 (5)
Journal article

Sveriges akademiska forskning som förebild?

Staffan Jacobsson, Anders Granberg, Annika Rickne
Entré - Forskning om entreprenörskap och småföretag. Vol. 2
Magazine article

A Framework for Guiding Policy-makers Intervening in Emerging Innovation Systems in 'Catching-Up' Countries

Staffan Jacobsson, Anna Bergek
European Journal of Development Research. Vol. 18 (4), p. 687-707
Journal article

Myter och verkligheten i den forskningspolitiska debatten

Staffan Jacobsson, Anders Granberg
Tvärsnitt. Vol. 4, p. 12-15
Magazine article

The politics and policy of energy system transformation - explaining the German diffusion of renewable energy technology

Staffan Jacobsson, Volkmar Lauber
Energy Policy. Vol. 34 (3), p. 256-276
Journal article

Analysing the dynamics and functionality of sectoral innovation systems

Anna Bergek, Staffan Jacobsson, Bo Carlsson et al

Analysing the Dynamics and Fucntionality of Sectoral Innovation Systems - a manual

Anna Bergek, Staffan Jacobsson, Bo Carlsson et al
DRUID Tenth Anniversary Summer Conference 2005, Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 27-29, 2005
Paper in proceeding

Germany: From a Modest Feed-in Law to a Framework for Transition

Staffan Jacobsson, Volkmar Lauber
Lauber (ed): Switching to Renewable Power: A Framework for the 21st Century, Earthscan, London, p. 122-158
Book chapter

Transforming the Energy System--the Evolution of the German Technological System for Solar Cells

Staffan Jacobsson, Björn Sandén, Lennart Bångens
Technology Analysis & Strategic Management. Vol. 16 (1), p. 3-9
Journal article

Transforming the Energy Sector: The Evolution of Technological Systems in Renewable Energy Technology

Staffan Jacobsson, Anna Bergek
Industrial and Corporate Change. Vol. 13 (5), p. 815-849
Journal article

How large is the Swedish 'academic' sector really?

Staffan Jacobsson, Annika Rickne
Research Policy. Vol. 33 (9), p. 1355-1372
Journal article

Höj ambitionen för solcellerna

Björn Sandén, Staffan Jacobsson
Dagens Industri (23 November)
Magazine article

The emergence of a growth industry: a comparative analysis of the German, Dutch and Swedish wind turbine industries

Anna Bergek, Staffan Jacobsson
Metcalfe, S. & Cantner, U. (Eds): Change, Transformation and Development. Physica/Springer, Heidelberg, p. 197-228
Book chapter

Innovation Systems: Analytical and Methodological Issues

B. Carlsson, Staffan Jacobsson, Magnus Holmén et al
Research Policy. Vol. 31 (2), p. 233-245
Journal article

Inducement and Blocking Mechanisms in the Development of a New Industry: The Case of Renewable Energy Technology in Sweden

Anna M. Johnson, Staffan Jacobsson
Coombs, R., Green, K., Walsh, V. & Richards, A. (Eds): Technology and the Market: Demand, Users and Innovation. Edward Elgar. Cheltenham and Northhampton
Book chapter

Monitoring and assessing technology choice: the case of solar cells

Björn A. Andersson, Staffan Jacobsson
Energy Policy. Vol. 28, p. 1037-1049
Journal article

The Diffusion of Renewable Energy Technology: An Analytical Framework and Key Issues for Research

Staffan Jacobsson, Anna M. Johnson
Energy Policy. Vol. 28 (9), p. 625-640
Journal article

New Technology-based Firms in Sweden - A Study of their Direct Impact on Industrial Renewal

Annika Rickne, Staffan Jacobsson
Economics of Innovation and New Technology,. Vol. Vol.8, p. pp.197-223
Journal article

Changing the Regional System of Innovation

B. Dalum, Magnus Holmén, M. Praest et al
The Economic Challenge for Europe: Adapting to Innovation-Based Growth
Book chapter

Some Aspects of An Analytical Framework for Studying the Diffusion of Organizational Innovations

Sverker Alänge, Staffan Jacobsson, Annika Steiber
Technology Analysis and Strategic Management. Vol. 10 (1), p. 3-21
Journal article

Regional Industrial Renewal: Technological Specialization and Employment in Swedish New Technology Based Firms

Rögnvaldur J. Saemundsson, Annika Rickne, Åsa Lindholm Dahlstrand et al

From job-less growth to growth-with-less-jobs: Employment and equity impact of technical and organisational change

Sverker Alänge, Staffan Jacobsson, Per Lindberg
Science and Public Policy. Vol. 23 (1), p. 27-38
Journal article

Evaluation of Industrial Policy: The Case of the Swedish Textile and Clothing Industry

Sverker Alänge, Staffan Jacobsson
Small Business Economics. Vol. 6 (6), p. 465-475
Journal article

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