Staffan Jacobsson
Visar 91 publikationer
Assessing the performance of energy innovation systems: Towards an established set of indicators
The politics of innovation spaces for low-carbon energy: Introduction to the special issue
The politics of protective space and low-carbon energy innovation: Introduction to a special issue
Lessons from Germany’s ”Energiewende”
Inget siffertrixande om tysk energiomställning
16. Är den tyska energiomställningen misslyckad?
The technological innovation systems framework: Response to six criticisms
The many ways of academic researchers - how science is made useful at a University of Technology
On the German and EU cost discourse - Is a large-scale renewable power supply ”unaffordable”?
Empiriska mönster och slutsatser för analytiker
Towards a strategy for offshore wind power in Sweden
Politiska åtgärder för framtidens förnybara drivmedel
The need for financial and human resources - the case of offshore wind power
Behov av investeringar och kompetens - exemplet havsbaserad vind
Suiomen vienti kasvunn merituulivomalla
Diversity Creation and Technological Systems: A Technology Policy Perspective
Merituulivorma on mahdollisuus
Technological Discontinuities and Incumbents’ Performance: An Analytical Framework
Bredda synen på nyttiggörande!
Systems Transformation: Technological and Institutional Change: INTRODUCTION
Potentialen finnas i vind-och biokraft
Bidrag till en handlingsplan för havsbaserad vindkraft i Sverige
The emerging funding gap for the European Energy Sector - Will the financial sector deliver?
Formation of competences to realize the potential of offshore wind power in the European Union
Det räcker inte att forska om energi
Itämerella on vahva asema merituulivoimassa
Policy challenges in realising biomass gasification in the European Union
Mer fakta i forskningspolitiken tack
Fremmer grönne sertifikater ny teknologi?
The Dynamics of Sustainable Innovation Journeys
Innovation system analyses and sustainability transitions:Contributions and suggestions for research
Towards a systemic framework for capturing and explaining the effects of academic R&D
Functionality of innovation systems as a rationale for and guide to innovation policy
Is the commercialisation of academic R&D really weak?
114. Functionality of innovation systems as a rationale for, and guide to innovation policy
EU renewable energy support policy: Faith or facts?
Håller Sverige på att missa klimatutmaningens innovationspotential?
Vem styr forskningen på de tekniska högskolorna
Assessment of the impact of a market formation programme on the Swedish PV innovation system
The emergence and troubled growth of a 'biopower' innovation system in Sweden
The dynamics of sustainable innovation journeys
Analyzing the functional dynamics of technological innovation systems: A scheme of analysis
An Innovation System Approach in integrated product policy making: what is the added value?
En myt att Sverige minskat utsläppen av växthusgaser
Myth or Reality - a scrutiny of dominant beliefs in the Swedish science policy debate
Sveriges akademiska forskning som förebild?
Myter och verkligheten i den forskningspolitiska debatten
Analysing the Dynamics and Fucntionality of Sectoral Innovation Systems - a manual
Analysing the dynamics and functionality of sectoral innovation systems
Att befrämja solcellstekniken i Sverige: Varför, hur och hur mycket?
Germany: From a Modest Feed-in Law to a Framework for Transition
Transforming the Energy System--the Evolution of the German Technological System for Solar Cells
How large is the Swedish 'academic' sector really?
Höj ambitionen för solcellerna
Innovation Systems: Analytical and Methodological Issues
Monitoring and assessing technology choice: the case of solar cells
The Diffusion of Renewable Energy Technology: An Analytical Framework and Key Issues for Research
Changing the Regional System of Innovation
New Technology-based Firms in Sweden - A Study of their Direct Impact on Industrial Renewal
Some Aspects of An Analytical Framework for Studying the Diffusion of Organizational Innovations
Evaluation of Industrial Policy: The Case of the Swedish Textile and Clothing Industry
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