Szhau Lai
Showing 28 publications
7-13 GHz MMIC GaN HEMT Voltage-Controlled-Oscillators (VCOs) for Satellite Applications
RF-MEMS Tuned GaN HEMT based Cavity Oscillator for X-band
A MMIC GaN HEMT Voltage-Controlled-Oscillator with high tuning linearity and low phase noise
Phase-Noise Analysis of an X-Band Ultra-Low Phase-Noise GaN HEMT Based Cavity Oscillator
A 12 Gbps Analog QPSK baseband receiver based on Injection-locked VCO
Phase noise analysis of a tuned-input/tuned-output oscillator based on a GaN HEMT device
Transformer-Based Broadband High-Linearity HBT Gm-Boosted Transconductance Mixers
Low frequency noise measurements-A technology benchmark with target on oscillator applications
Low frequency noise measurements: A technology benchmark with target on oscillator applications
Low Phase Noise GaN HEMT Oscillators With Excellent Figures of Merit
Accurate Phase-Noise Prediction for a Balanced Colpitts GaN HEMT MMIC Oscillator
An LC VCO for High Power Millimeter-Wave Signal Generation
A method to lower VCO phase noise by using HBT darlington pair
Design of Low Phase-Noise Oscillators and Wideband VCOs in InGaP HBT Technology
A 20 GHz Low Phase Noise Signal Source Using VCO and Mixer in InGaP/GaAs HBT
Estimation of average Rician K-factor and average mode bandwidth in loaded reverberation chamber
Broadband Gm-Boosted Differential HBT Doublers With Transformer Balun
A varactor model including valanche noise source for VCOs phase noise simulation
An X-band low phase noise AlGaN-GaN-HEMT MMIC push-push oscillator
A large-signal GaAs HBT model optimized for design of low phase-noise VCOs
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