Göran Wendin
My research deals with Physics of Computing, from quantum computers to biological systems.
The development since the beginning of this century has been remarkable, and there is a vast field of exciting opportunities opening up.
My research has two main goals: (1) to contribute to creating a useful superconducting quantum computer for digital simulation of advanced problems in Chemistry; and (2) to develop educational material for explaining how modern physics - including quantum physics - will influence biology and medicine to create great interdisciplinary progress.
I share my research interests with a wide scientfic community. I would say that these topics and results are already of great interest to the general public as well as to industry. We are now at the stage of ”Quantum education” and will soon enter a stage of ”quantum applications”, from toy examples to serious applications. How this will affect Society remains to be discovered.
Nevertheless, it will surely fundamentally influence the general technology level.

Showing 48 publications
Quantum information processing with superconducting circuits: A perspective
Reference-State Error Mitigation: A Strategy for High Accuracy Quantum Computation of Chemistry
Quantum computer scales up by mitigating errors
The Quest for a Nordic Quantum Computing Ecosystem
Coherent manipulation of a spin qubit A new device opens new avenues for spin qubits
Attosecond electron–spin dynamics in Xe 4d photoionization
Can Biological Quantum Networks Solve NP-Hard Problems?
Bioinspired computing with synaptic elements
Computability and complexity of unconventional computing devices
Quantum information processing with superconducting circuits: a review
On Information Processing with Networks of Nano-Scale Switching Elements
A generic simulator for large networks of memristive elements
Aspects of computing with locally connected networks
SYMONE Project: Synaptic Molecular Networks for Bio-Inspired Information Processing
Cumulene molecular wire conductance from first principles
General Principles for implementing logic gates in a Nanocell
Robustness of logic gates and reconfigurability of neuromorphic switching networks
EuroTraining courses of microsystems technology and Nanotechnology for Electronics
Manipulation with Andreev states in spin active mesoscopic Josephson junctions
Implementation of the three-qubit phase-flip error correction code with superconducting qubits
Reconfigurable logic in nanoelectronic switching networks
Nanocell Devices and Architecture for Configurable Computing With Molecular Electronics
Multiparticle tunnelling in diffusive superconducting junctions
Quantum bits with Josephson junctions
Efficient readout of flux qubits at flux degeneracy
Critical roles of metal-molecule contacts in electron transport through molecular-wire junctions
Readout methods and devices for Josephson-junction-based solid-state qubits
Electron Transport in Stretched Monoatomic Gold Wires
Subgap current in superconducting tunnel junctions with diffusive electrodes
Selective coupling of superconducting charge qubits mediated by a tunable stripline cavity
Dynamics and phonon-induced decoherence of Andreev level qubit
Nonequilibrium effects in tunnel Josephson junctions
Superconducting quantum circuits, qubits, and computing
Superconducting qubit network with controllable nearest neighbor coupling
Non-linear conductance in molecular devices: molecular length dependence
Coherent current transport in wide ballistic Josephson junctions
Electronic delocalization in discotic liquid crystals: A joint experimental and theoretical study
Josephson junction qubit network with current-controlled interaction
Current-controlled coupling of superconducting charge qubits
Coherent multiple Andreev reflections and current resonances in SNS quantum point contacts
Effects of electron correlation in the photoabsorption spectrum of the rare gases
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Showing 6 research projects
Reservoir Computing with Real-time Data for future IT (RECORD-IT)
Quantum Technologies for Europe (QUTE-EUROPE)
Scalable Superconducting Processors for Entangled Quantum Information Technology (ScaleQIT)
SYnaptic MOlecular NEtworks for Bio-inspired Information Processing (SYMONE)
Solid State Systems for Quantum Information Processing