Rebekka Wohlrab
I am a tenure-track assistant professor in Software Engineering. I am also an adjunct faculty member at the Institute for Software Research at Carnegie Mellon University. A lot of my research is partially supported by the Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Program (WASP) funded by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation.
Showing 42 publications
Guidelines for Supporting Software Engineers in Developing Secure Web Applications
Human factors in model-driven engineering: future research goals and initiatives for MDE
Architecture Decision Records in Practice: An Action Research Study
Supporting Value-Aware Software Engineering Through Traceability and Value Tactics
Supporting Early Architectural Decision-Making through Tradeoff Analysis: A Study with Volvo Cars
We're Drifting Apart: Architectural Drift from the Developers' Perspective
Meta-Adaptation Goals: Leveraging Feedback Loop Requirements for Effective Self-Adaptation
Not All Conflicts Are the Same: An Empirical Study of Requirement Conflicts in Practice
Increasing the Confidence in Security Assurance Cases using Game Theory
Continuous Compliance in the Automotive Industry
Supporting the Exploration of Quality Attribute Tradeoffs in Large Design Spaces
ExTrA: Explaining architectural design tradeoff spaces via dimensionality reduction
Investigating Software Engineering Artifacts in DevOps Through the Lens of Boundary Objects
AMon: A domain-specific language and framework for adaptive monitoring of Cyber–Physical Systems
Explaining quality attribute tradeoffs in automated planning for self-adaptive systems
Towards Cost-Benefit-Aware Adaptive Monitoring for Cyber-Physical Systems
Guidelines for Artifacts to Support Industry-Relevant Research on Self-Adaptation
Managing Traceability Information Models: Not Such a Simple Task After All?
Why and How Your Traceability Should Evolve: Insights from an Automotive Supplier
What do Users Expect of Bidirectional Transformations?
Living Boundary Objects to Support Agile Inter-Team Coordination at Scale
Why and how to balance alignment and diversity of requirements engineering practices in automotive
On interfaces to support agile architecting in automotive: An exploratory case study
Challenges of Scaled Agile for Safety-Critical Systems
Improving the consistency and usefulness of architecture descriptions: Guidelines for architects
Boundary objects and their use in agile systems engineering
Continuous Management of Artifacts and Traceability in Large-Scale Agile Systems Engineering
The Problem of Consolidating RE Practices at Scale: An Ethnographic Study
T-Reqs: Tool support for managing requirements in large-scale agile system development
An Architecture for Decentralized, Collaborative, and Autonomous Robots
Continuous management of design- and run-time artifacts for self-adaptive systems
Collaborative Traceability Management: Challenges and Opportunities
Traceability Maintenance: Factors and Guidelines
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Showing 2 research projects
ExpRESAS: Expectation-Focused Requirements Elicitation for Self-Adaptive Systems