Yii Lih Lin

Showing 13 publications


Comparison of CTX-M encoding plasmids present during the early phase of the ESBL pandemic in western Sweden

Moa Wranne, N. Karami, Sriram Kesarimangalam et al
Scientific Reports. Vol. 14 (1), p. 11880-
Journal article

Quantification of single-strand DNA lesions caused by the topoisomerase II poison etoposide using single DNA molecule imaging

Vandana Singh, Pegah Johansson, Elina Ekedahl et al
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. Vol. 594, p. 57-62
Journal article

A parallelized nanofluidic device for high-throughput optical dna mapping of bacterial plasmids

Sriram Kesarimangalam, Yii Lih Lin, Tsegaye Sewunet et al
Micromachines. Vol. 12 (10)
Journal article

Mechanical characterization of base analogue modified nucleic acids by force spectroscopy

Vinoth Sundar Rajan, Xavier Viader-Godoy, Yii Lih Lin et al
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. Vol. 23 (26), p. 14151-14155
Journal article

Identity of bla<inf>ctx-m</inf> carrying plasmids in sequential esbl-e. Coli isolates from patients with recurrent urinary tract infections

N. Karami, Sriram Kesarimangalam, Shora Yazdanshenas et al
Microorganisms. Vol. 9 (6)
Journal article

Shining light on single-strand lesions caused by the chemotherapy drug bleomycin

Vandana Singh, Pegah Johansson, Yii Lih Lin et al
DNA Repair. Vol. 105
Journal article

Molecular Epidemiology of OXA-48 and NDM-1 Producing Enterobacterales Species at a University Hospital in Tehran, Iran, Between 2015 and 2016

Hamid Solgi, Shoeib Nematzadeh, Christian G. Giske et al
Frontiers in Microbiology. Vol. 11
Journal article

Optical maps of plasmids as a proxy for clonal spread of MDR bacteria: A case study of an outbreak in a rural Ethiopian hospital

Yii Lih Lin, Tsegaye Sewunet, Sriram Kesarimangalam et al
Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy. Vol. 75 (10), p. 2804-2811
Journal article

Quantifying DNA damage induced by ionizing radiation and hyperthermia using single DNA molecule imaging

Vandana Singh, Pegah Johansson, Dmitry Torchinsky et al
Translational Oncology. Vol. 13 (10)
Journal article

Studying the Intramolecular Forces of Base-Modified Nucleic Acids using Optical Tweezers

Vinoth Sundar Rajan, Xavier Viader, Yii Lih Lin et al
Conference poster

Multiplexed optical DNA mapping to identify plasmids and their resistance genes in fecal samples

Sriram Kesarimangalam, Yii Lih Lin, Tsegaye Sewunet et al
23rd International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2019, p. 856-857
Paper in proceeding

Annealing of ssDNA and compaction of dsDNA by the HIV-1 nucleocapsid and Gag proteins visualized using nanofluidic channels

Kai Jiang, Nicolas Humbert, Sriram Kesarimangalam et al
Quarterly Reviews of Biophysics. Vol. 52, p. e2-e2
Journal article

Nanofluidic optical DNA mapping for rapid identification of antibiotics resistant plasmids

Yii Lih Lin, Tsegaye Sewunet, Sriram Kesarimangalam et al
22nd International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2018. Vol. 3, p. 1822-1825
Paper in proceeding

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