Sönke Behrends
Visar 29 publikationer
Road distribution from the intermodal perspective
Factors Influencing the Performance of Urban Consolidation Schemes
Urban freight transport sustainability – assessment and evaluation framework
Measures available to local authorities to support sustainable modal shift strategies
The effect of transhipment costs on the performance of intermodal line-trains
Challenges in urban freight transport planning - A review in the Baltic Sea Region
The urban context of intermodal road-rail transport - Threat or opportunity for modal shift?
Urban freight transport sustainability – Towards a strategic framework
Urban freight transport sustainability - the interaction of urban freight and intermodal transport
A holistic approach to challenges in urban freight transport planning
Efficient Intermodal Pre and Post Haulage
The effect of fast transhipment technology on the potential for intermodal freight transport
Sustainable freight transport principles and their implications for intermodal transport
Innovation drivers and barriers in intermodal freight transport
Assessing actions towards sustainable logistics : a framework
The impact of urban freight transport: a definition of sustainability from an actors perspective
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Visar 6 forskningsprojekt
Kringfartslogistik - effektivt utnyttjande av infrastrukturen
Kringfartslogistik - effektivt utnyttjande av infrastrukturen (förstudie)
Godstransporter i kollektivtrafikkörfält - utvärdering och konceptutveckling
Off-peak citydistribution, Forskning etapp 1