Sönke Behrends

Visar 29 publikationer


Burden or opportunity for modal shift? – Embracing the urban dimension of intermodal road-rail transport

Sönke Behrends
Transport Policy. Vol. 59, p. 10-16
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Road distribution from the intermodal perspective

Rickard Bergqvist, Jason Monios, Sönke Behrends
Intermodal Freight Transport and Logistics, p. 95-108
Kapitel i bok

Factors Influencing the Performance of Urban Consolidation Schemes

Sönke Behrends
Lecture Notes in Logistics, p. 351-367
Kapitel i bok

Recent developments in urban logistics research – a review of the proceedings of the International Conference on City Logistics 2009 – 2013

Sönke Behrends
Transportation Research Procedia. Vol. 12, p. 278 - 287
Paper i proceeding

Analyzing barriers, drivers and structure of a combined waterway system for transport of goods to- and waste from the dense urban areas.

Martin Svanberg, Sönke Behrends, Christian Finnsgård et al
The VREF Conference on Urban Freight 2016: Plan for the future - sharing urban space, Gothenburg, 17-19 October 2016
Övrigt konferensbidrag

The modal shift potential of intermodal line-Trains from a haulier's perspective: Drivers and barriers in the mode choice process

Sönke Behrends
World Review of Intermodal Transportation Research. Vol. 5 (4), p. 369-386
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Slutrapport Sendsmart

Maria Lindholm, Sönke Behrends, Monica Billger et al

Urban freight transport sustainability – assessment and evaluation framework

Sönke Behrends
5th METRANS International Urban Freight Conference, Long Beach, California
Övrigt konferensbidrag

Measures available to local authorities to support sustainable modal shift strategies

Sönke Behrends
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on City Logistics, p. 316-329
Paper i proceeding

The effect of transhipment costs on the performance of intermodal line-trains

Sönke Behrends, Jonas Flodén
Logistics Research. Vol. 4 (3-4), p. 127-136
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Challenges in urban freight transport planning - A review in the Baltic Sea Region

Maria Lindholm, Sönke Behrends
Journal of Transport Geography. Vol. 22, p. 129-136
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

The urban context of intermodal road-rail transport - Threat or opportunity for modal shift?

Sönke Behrends
Proocedings of the 7th International Conference on City Logistics, 7-9 June 2011, Mallorca, Spain. Vol. 39, p. 463-475
Paper i proceeding

The Significance of the Urban Context for the Sustainability Performance of Intermodal Road-rail Transport

Sönke Behrends
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences. Vol. 54, p. 375-386
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Urban freight transport sustainability – Towards a strategic framework

Sönke Behrends
Nofoma 2012 - Proceedings of the 24th annual nordic logistics research network conference, p. 40-56
Paper i proceeding

Assessing the Effects of Longer Vehicles: The Case of Pre- and Post-haulage in Intermodal Transport Chains

Rickard Bergqvist, Sönke Behrends
Transport Reviews. Vol. 31 (5), p. 591-602
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Intermodal transport from a haulier's perspective - an analysis on how to increase the usage of intermodal road-rail transport for hauliers in Sweden

Kristina Liljestrand, Sönke Behrends
Proocedings of the 23rd Annual NOFOMA Conference, 9-10 June, Harstad, Norway
Paper i proceeding

The modal shift potential of intermodal line-trains from a haulier’s perspective - Drivers and barriers in the mode choice process

Sönke Behrends
NECTAR 2011 Conference, 18-20 May 2011, Antwerp
Övrigt konferensbidrag

A holistic approach to challenges in urban freight transport planning

Maria Lindholm, Sönke Behrends
General Proceedings of the 12th World Conference on Transport Research Society
Paper i proceeding

Efficient Intermodal Pre and Post Haulage

Rickard Bergqvist, Sönke Behrends
Selected Proceedings of the 12th World Conference on Transport Research Society
Paper i proceeding

The effect of fast transhipment technology on the potential for intermodal freight transport

Sönke Behrends, Jonas Flodén
Selected proceedings of the 12th World Conference on Transport Research Society, p. 18-
Paper i proceeding

Novel rail transport services

Sönke Behrends, Jonas Flodén, Johan Woxenius et al

Sustainable freight transport principles and their implications for intermodal transport

Sönke Behrends
NOFOMA conference, 10-11 June 2010, Kolding, Denmark, p. 1033-1048
Paper i proceeding

Innovation drivers and barriers in intermodal freight transport

Johan Woxenius, Sönke Behrends
Logistics Research Network Annual Conference (LRN), Harrogate, 8-10 September
Övrigt konferensbidrag

Assessing actions towards sustainable logistics : a framework

Vendela Santén, Sönke Behrends
World Sustainable Development Outlook 2010, Saint Lucia, November
Paper i proceeding

Sustainable Freight Transport from an Urban Perspective

Sönke Behrends

Different cities, common challenges? An analysis of urban freight transport developments and strategies in the Baltic Sea Region

Maria Lindholm, Sönke Behrends
Proceedings from Logistics Research Network Annual Conference, p. 115-120
Paper i proceeding

The impact of urban freight transport: a definition of sustainability from an actors perspective

Sönke Behrends, Maria Lindholm, Johan Woxenius
Transportation Planning and Technology. Vol. 31 (6), p. 693-713
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

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Visar 6 forskningsprojekt


Kringfartslogistik - effektivt utnyttjande av infrastrukturen

Ivan Sanchez-Diaz Service Management and Logistics
Sönke Behrends Service Management and Logistics
Västra Götalandsregionen



Sönke Behrends Service Management and Logistics


Kringfartslogistik - effektivt utnyttjande av infrastrukturen (förstudie)

Sönke Behrends Logistik och transport


Godstransporter i kollektivtrafikkörfält - utvärdering och konceptutveckling

Sönke Behrends Logistik och transport



Maria Lindholm Logistik och transport
Sönke Behrends Logistik och transport


Off-peak citydistribution, Forskning etapp 1

Sönke Behrends Logistik och transport

1 publikation finns
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