Birgitta Kristiansson
Visar 19 publikationer
Evaluation and tuning of robust PID controllers
Evaluation and simple tuning of PID controllers with high-frequency robustness
Robust tuning of PI and PID controllers
Reduced MO Tuning Method for PID Controllers
Neural Networks - three applications in control engineering and engine control
Convenient, almost optimal and robust tuning of PI and PID Controllers
Robust and optimal tuning of PI and PID Controllers
Robust PI and PID Controllers including Smith Predictor Structure
Robust and optimal tuning of PI and PID Controllers
From PI to H-inf control in a unified framework
Optimal PID Controllers including Rolloff and Smith Predictor Structure
A Web-Based Course in Automatic Control for Engineers in Industry
Robust Design of PID Controllers including Auto-tuning Rules
En multimedia-baserad grundkurs i reglerteknik för ingenjörer i industrin
Optimal PID Controllers for unstable and resonant plants
A web-based course in automatic control for engineers in industry
Passband and High Frequency robustness for PID Control
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