Daniel Stenholm
Visar 21 publikationer
A Lean Framework For Reusing Knowledge Introducing Engineering Checksheets
A holistic model for inter-plant knowledge transfer within an international manufacturing network
Barriers to reuse of codified engineering knowledge in product development – a literature review
A framework of practices supporting the reuse of technological knowledge
Game-based learning of knowledge reuse in engineering education
ActiveNavigator: Toward Real-Time Knowledge Capture and Feedback in Design Workspaces
A System of Knowledge Briefs to Support Decision-Making and Knowledge Reuse in Product Development
Trends, observations and drivers for change in systems engineering design
The Challenges of Different Roles with Engineering Knowledge Reuse
Digitalization Challenges for Lean Visual Planning in Distributed Product Development Teams
Knowledge Based Development in Automotive Industry guided by Lean Enablers for System Engineering
Knowledge Management Life Cycle: An Individual's Perspective
Towards global deviation management in product development using pulse methodology: A case study
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Visar 3 forskningsprojekt
Machine Learning för ingenjörsnära kunskapshanterin (MALEKC)
Affärsmodell för innovativ Agroforestry
Visualisering och IT i produkt och produktionsutveckling (VIS-IT)