Daniel Persson
Visar 19 publikationer
Amplifier-Aware Multiple-Input Single-Output Capacity
Rigid Calabi-Yau threefolds, Picard Eisenstein series and instantons
Amplifier-Aware Multiple-Input Multiple-Output Power Allocation
On Multiple Description Coding of Sources with Memory
Power Series Quantization for Noisy Channels
Mixture Model- and Least Squares-Based Packet Video Error Concealment
Packet Video Error Concealment With Gaussian Mixture Models
Sharing moral responsibility with robots: A pragmatic approach
Mixture Model- and Least Squares-Based Packet Video Error
A Minimum Mean Square Error Estimation and Mixture-based Approach to Packet Video Error Concealment
Spatio-temporal Markov random fields-based packet video error concealment
Qualitative Analysis of Video Packet Loss Concealment with Gaussian Mixtures
A Statistical Approach to Packet Loss Concealment for Video
Membrane destabilizing properties of cell-penetrating peptides
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