Mattias Brännström
Visar 20 publikationer
Driving strategies and detection for treacherous road condition
Safe autonomous lane changes in dense traffic
Lane Change Maneuvers for Automated Vehicles
Method and system for handling conditions of a road on which a vehicle travels
If, When, and How to Perform Lane Change Maneuvers on Highways
Longitudinal and Lateral Control for Automated Yielding Maneuvers
Longitudinal and lateral control for automated lane change maneuvers
Decision-making on when to brake and when to steer to avoid a collision
A Probabilistic Framework for Decision-Making in Collision Avoidance Systems
Decision Making on when to Brake and when to Steer to Avoid a Collision
A Real-time Implementation of an Intersection Collision Avoidance System
Probabilistic Threat Assessment and Driver Modeling in Collision Avoidance Systems
Model-Based Threat Assessment for Avoiding Arbitrary Vehicle Collisions
Driver models to increase the potential of automotive active safety functions
Threat assessment for avoiding collisions with turning vehicles
On Threat Assessment and Decision-Making for Avoiding Automotive Vehicle Collisions
Automatic incident detection and classification at intersections
A situation and threat assessment algorithm for a rear-end collision avoidance system
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