Carla Gonçalves Machado
Visar 16 publikationer
Digital organisational readiness: experiences from manufacturing companies
Assessing challenges, barriers, practices and capability towards digitalization
Affordable and Clean Energy: A Study on the Advantages and Disadvantages of the Main Modalities
Maturity Framework Enabling Organizational Digital Readiness
A Review Content Analysis Between Industry 4.0 and Sustainable Manufacturing
Sustainable manufacturing in Industry 4.0: an emerging research agenda
Additive manufacturing from the sustainability perspective: proposal for a self-assessment tool
Digitalization for sustainable production: exploring the use of digital maturity models
La Investigación-Acción como Instrumento de Perfeccionamiento del Proceso de Materialidad
Reviewing Digital Manufacturing concept in the Industry 4.0 paradigm
Production Management and Smart Manufacturing from a Systems Perspective
The Materiality as a Competence of Enterprise Transformation under the Perspective of Sustainability
Developing capabilities for Sustainable Operations Management
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Visar 1 forskningsprojekt
SMART PM - Sustainable Manufacturing by Automated Real-Time Performance Management