Regina Hebig

Visar 51 publikationer
Human factors in model-driven engineering: future research goals and initiatives for MDE
Creating Python-Style Domain Specific Languages: A Semi-Automated Approach and Intermediate Results
Automated Extraction of Grammar Optimization Rule Configurations for Metamodel-Grammar Co-evolution
Predicting build outcomes in continuous integration using textual analysis of source code commits
Improving Software Regression Testing Using a Machine Learning-Based Method for Test Type Selection
What Makes Agile Software Development Agile
Emerging Software Engineering Research Networks in (East) Africa
The Migration Journey Towards Microservices
Facing the giant: A grounded theory study of decision-making in microservices migrations
Causes of merge conflicts: a case study of ElasticSearch
Perception and acceptance of an autonomous refactoring bot
The Character of Software Startup Hubs in an Emerging Ecosystem
Selective Regression Testing based on Big Data: Comparing Feature Extraction Techniques
Determining Context Factors for Hybrid Development Methods with Trained Models.
How do students experience and judge software comprehension techniques?
Improving Data Quality for Regression Test Selection by Reducing Annotation Noise
Why do Software Teams Deviate from Scrum?: Reasons and Implications
What developers (care to) recall: An interview survey on smaller systems
Emerging and changing tasks in the development process for machine learning systems
Where is my feature and what is it about? A case study on recovering feature facets
Catching up with Method and Process Practice: An Industry-Informed Baseline for Researchers
Predicting Test Case Verdicts Using TextualAnalysis of Commited Code Churns
Involving External Stakeholders in Project Courses
Diversity in UML modeling explained: Observations, classifications and theorizations
Using Machine Learning to Design a Flexible LOC Counter
Improving the real-time experience for software-measurement system end-users
Approaches to Co-Evolution of Metamodels and Models: A Survey
Hybrid software and systems development in practice: Perspectives from Sweden and Uganda
An extensive dataset of UML models in GitHub
The quest for open source projects that use UML: mining GitHub.
Lessons learned from co-evolution of software process and model-driven engineering
Detecting complex changes and refactorings during (Meta)model evolution
Supporting the Co-adaption of Process Properties
Metamodel and constraints co-evolution: A semi automatic maintenance of ocl constraints
Lessons Learned from Co-Evolution of Software Process and Model-Driven Engineering
Identifying Metrics' Biases When Measuring or Approximating Size in Heterogeneous Languages.
Surveying the Corpus of Model Resolution Strategies for Metamodel Evolution
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Visar 1 forskningsprojekt
Gender-fair Education in Practical and Project Work in Computer Science