Jennifer R Mc Conville
Visar 32 publikationer
Using role-playing games to broaden engineering education
Source separation: Challenges & opportunities for transition in the swedish wastewater sector
Is the Swedish wastewater sector ready for a transition to source separation?
Closing the food loops: Guidelines and criteria for improving nutrient management
Closing the food loop – guidelines and criteria for improving nutrient management
Participation in sanitation planning in Burkina Faso: theory and practice
Decision Support for Redesigning Wastewater Treatment Technologies
Participation in Sanitation Planning in Burkina Faso: Theory and Practice
The Challenges of Urban Ecological Sanitation: Lessons from the Erdos Eco-Town Project
Bridging sanitation engineering and planning: theory and practice in Burkina Faso
Towards Better Design of the Process of Planning for Sanitation
The Sanitation Ladder – a Need for a Revamp?
‘Perceptions of Local Sustainability in Planning Sanitation Projects in West Africa’
Unpacking Sanitation Planning Comparing Theory and Practice
Sustainable Sanitation in Cities: A Framework for Action
Community-based approaches for addressing the urban sanitation challenge
Pathways for Sustainable Sanitation: Achieving the Millennium Development Goals
Perceptions of Local Sustainability in Planning Sanitation Projects in West Africa
Assessing Sustainable Approaches to Sanitation Planning and Implementation in West Africa
Sanitation Planning - A Tool to Achieve Sustainable Sanitation?
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Visar 2 forskningsprojekt
Resursflöden i kretslopp - en utgångspunkt för hållbar peri-urban vatten-och avloppshantering