Johan Bondesson
Visar 16 publikationer
Quantification of True Lumen Helical Morphology and Chirality in Type B Aortic Dissections
Multiaxial pulsatile dynamics of the thoracic aorta and impact of thoracic endovascular repair
Automated Quantification of Diseased Thoracic Aortic Longitudinal Centerline and Surface Curvatures
Thoracic aortic geometry correlates with endograft bird-beaking severity
Dynamic geometric changes of the thoracic aorta: implications for TEVAR and branched grafts
True Lumen Helicity in Type B Dissections
Multiaxial Pulsatile Compliance Changes to the Thoracic Aorta from Before and After TEVAR
Geometric Features of the Thoracic Aorta and Endograft Correlate with TEVAR Bird-beaking Severity
Definition of Tubular Anatomic Structures from Arbitrary Stereo Lithographic Surface
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