Göran Johansson
Visar 17 publikationer
Hybrid micro-macromechanical modelling of anisotropy evolution in pearlitic steel
On the modeling of deformation induced anisotropy of pearlitic steel
On the modeling of large ratcheting strains with large time increments
On the modeling of evolving anisotropy and large strains in pearlitic steel
Simulation of train-turnout interaction and plastic deformation of rail profiles
On the modeling of evolving anisotropy and large strains in pearlitic steel
Parameter identification and modeling of large ratcheting strains in carbon steel
On the modeling of large ratcheting strains and anisotropy in pearlitic steel
Measurements of geometry changes in railway turnout components
Modeling of large ratcheting strains with large time increments
Computational modeling of inelastic large ratcheting strains
Constitutive Modeling of Large Ratcheting Strains in Carbon Steel
Computational modeling of large inelastic ratchetting strains
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