Jonas Andersson
Visar 31 publikationer
Living Room on the Move: Autonomous Vehicles and Social Experiences
Ergonomic features of control room environments for improved operator comfort and support
Method characteristics for viable human factors engineering practice
Model-based approaches to human-automation systems design
Analysing work in complex industrial systems - A practical cognitive systems engineering approach
The operator of the future – a key to competitive industry in a future information society
A tentative model for analysis of human-automation interaction in control rooms
Transfer of control system interface solutions from other domains to the thermal power industry
To Develop Viable Human Factors Engineering Methods for Improved Industrial Use
Förbättrad arbetsmiljö i kontrollrum genom fokus på ökad människa-maskininteraktion
Visualisering av anläggningsstatus - Utformning av innovativa gränssnittspresentationer
Visualisation of automatic sequences - integration with process mimic display
Design of an overview display for rapid perception of plant status
A Conceptual Model for Analysis of Automation Usability Problems in Control Room Settings
Graphical visualization of process status for thermal power plants
Levels of Automation and User Control in Use of an Automatic Turbine System
Use errors and usability problems in relation to automation levels of medical devices
Framework to describe and categorise a complex human-machine system
Utformning av kontrollrum för värmekraftverk och pappers- och massafabrik
Levels of Automation and User Control - Evaluation of a Turbine Automation Interface
In Search for Common Ground - How An Automatic Turbine System Supports Operator Work
Automation Inflicted Differences on Operator Performance in Nuclear Power Plant Control Rooms
Automation Inflicted Differences on Operator Performance in Nuclear Power Plant Control Rooms
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