Lars Olausson
Visar 23 publikationer
On the measuring of film thickness profiles and local heat transfer coefficients in falling films
Accelerated aging of bio-oil from lignin conversion in subcritical water
New measurement approaches for film thickness and wall temperature in falling film heat exchangers
Modeling and evaluation of evaporator cleaning
Modelling and Evaluation of Evaporator Cleaning
Heat transfer for falling film evaporation of black liquor up to very high Prandtl numbers
Method and Apparatus for Controlling Incrustations in Multi Stage Evaporation Train for Black Liquor
Sodium Salt Scaling in Black Liquor Evaporators – Pilot Plant Results and Industrial Significance
Falling film hydrodynamics of black liquor under evaporative conditions
Heat transfer in evaporating black liquor falling film
Scale formation and growth when evaporating black liquor with high carbonate to sulphate ratio
Black liquor falling film hydrodynamics – Part A: Nonevaporative conditions
An implementation-oriented heat transfer model for black liquor evaporation
Fouling Layer Growth in Black Liquor Falling Film Evaporation
Falling film evaporation of black liquor - comparison with general heat transfer correlations
A new test facility for black liquor evaporation
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