Leon Henderson
Visar 26 publikationer
Model-Free Automated Reversing of Articulated Heavy Goods Vehicles
An Improved Pure Pursuit Algorithm for the Automated Steering Control of Road Vehicles
Integrated Motion Control for Heavy Goods Vehicles Using Multiple Actuators
An effective Tyre to Road Friction Estimation Applied to Heavy Vehicles
On the Control Allocation Performance of Longer Combination Vehicles
Improved Lateral Performance of a Long Combination Vehicle Based on Artificial Flow Guidance
A Model for Energy Consumption in Heavy Vehicle Braking
Design of a pressure modulator using fast-acting bistable valves
An Investigation of Longitudinal Tyre Force Observation for Slip Control System Development
Friction estimation during steering a vehicle in automated driving
Trends in vehicle motion control for automated driving on public roads
Brake system design for future heavy goods vehicles
Full-scale testing of a novel slip control braking system for heavy vehicles
Improved emergency braking performance for HGVs
Designing and testing an advanced pneumatic braking system for heavy vehicles
Design and implementation of a high-bandwidth pneumatic actuator for heavy goods vehicles
A high performance slip control braking system for heavy goods vehicles
The use of pseudo-inertia in asymptotic modelling of constraints in boundary value problems
The effects of tyre dynamics on slip control braking for heavy goods vehicles
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Visar 2 forskningsprojekt
Intelligent, högprestanda färdbromsmodul för tunga fordon