Markus Johansson
Visar 21 publikationer
Towards modeling quasi-periodic oscillations of microquasars with oscillating slender tori
Source Modeling using Phaseless Low-Frequency Near-Field Measurements
Electromagnetic Source Modeling using Phase Retrieval Methods
Comparison between Two Phase Retrieval Methods for Electromagnetic Source Modeling
Modeling Complex Sources Using Measured Phaseless Near-field Data
Work exposure to electromagnetic fields
Numerical calculations of fields in humans exposed to electromagnetic sources
Performance Evaluation of Phase Retrieval Method based on Amplitude-Only Near-Field Data
Phase-Retrieval from Amplitude-Only Field Measurements
Modeling of electromagnetic sources for numerical dosimetry
Computational methods for modeling of complex sources
Phase-retrieval from phaseless measured E-field data
Near Field Modeling with Huygens Principle
Modeling of Electromagnetic Sources with Huygens Principle
Near Field Modeling with Optimization Algorithms
Optimization Algorithms for Modeling of Electromagnetic Sources
Modeling of complex sources for dosimetry applications
Near Field Modeling of Complex Sources
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