Mebtu Bihonegn Beza

Docent vid Elkraftteknik

Mebtu Beza tog sin M.Sc., Lic.Eng. och Ph.D-examen inom elkraftteknik från Chalmers Tekniska Högskola i September 2009, Juni 2012 och Februari 2015, respektive. I Ph.D. forskning, Han har fokus på tillämpningar av parallellt-anslutna kraftelektroniska apparater med aktiv effekt för avsikt att öka stabiliteten i ett kraftsystem. Han arbetar som forskare vid avdelningen för elkraftteknik som arbetar på studier av elektromagnetiska transienter i vindparker som förbinds med HVDC till stamnätet.

Image of Mebtu Bihonegn Beza

Visar 40 publikationer


Power-Response Matrix-Based Modeling of Converter Systems for Small-Signal Analysis

Anant Narula, Paul Imgart, Massimo Bongiorno et al
2024 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE)
Paper i proceeding

Empowering Offshore Wind With Es-Statcom For Stability Margin Improvement and Provision of Grid-Forming Capabilities

Anant Narula, Paul Imgart, Massimo Bongiorno et al
Electric Power Systems Research. Vol. 234
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Review of multiport power converters for distribution network applications

Sam Harrison, Bartosz Soltoswski, Antonio Pepiciello et al
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. Vol. 203

External Inertia Emulation to Facilitate Active-Power Limitation in Grid-Forming Converters

Paul Imgart, Anant Narula, Massimo Bongiorno et al
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications. Vol. 60 (6), p. 9145-9156
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Impact of pole-to-pole DC voltage on energy requirement of FB YY-MMC

Sohrab Mohtat, Massimo Bongiorno, Mebtu Bihonegn Beza et al
2023 25th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, EPE 2023 ECCE Europe
Paper i proceeding

Stability Limits and Improved Robustness of Grid-Forming Converters With External Inertia-Emulation Loop

Paul Imgart, Massimo Bongiorno, Jan R Svensson et al
2023 25th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, EPE 2023 ECCE Europe
Paper i proceeding

Voltage-based Current Limitation Strategy to Preserve Grid-forming Properties Under Severe Grid Disturbances

Anant Narula, Paul Imgart, Massimo Bongiorno et al
IEEE Open Journal of Power Electronics. Vol. 4, p. 176-188
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Coordinated control of grid-forming converters and hydro generators to enhance frequency quality of future power system

Anant Narula, Massimo Bongiorno, Mebtu Bihonegn Beza et al
Electric Power Systems Research. Vol. 212
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

An Overview of Grid-Connection Requirements for Converters and Their Impact on Grid-Forming Control

Paul Imgart, Mebtu Bihonegn Beza, Massimo Bongiorno et al
24th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, EPE 2022 ECCE Europe
Paper i proceeding

A Cascaded Power Controller for Robust Frequency Ride-Through of Grid-Forming Converters

Paul Imgart, Anant Narula, Massimo Bongiorno et al
2022 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, ECCE 2022
Paper i proceeding

Comparison of Grid-Forming Converter Control Strategies

Anant Narula, Massimo Bongiorno, Mebtu Bihonegn Beza
2021 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, ECCE 2021 - Proceedings, p. 361-368
Paper i proceeding

Tuning and evaluation of grid-forming converters for grid-support

Anant Narula, Massimo Bongiorno, Mebtu Bihonegn Beza et al
2021 23rd European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, EPE 2021 ECCE Europe
Paper i proceeding

Passivity characterization of grid-forming converters with fault-ride through capability

Mebtu Bihonegn Beza, Massimo Bongiorno, Anant Narula
2021 23rd European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, EPE 2021 ECCE Europe
Paper i proceeding

Impact of Control Loops on the Passivity Properties of Grid-Forming Converters with Fault-Ride through Capability

Mebtu Bihonegn Beza, Massimo Bongiorno, Anant Narula
Energies. Vol. 14 (19)
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Impact of control loops on the low-frequency passivity properties of grid-forming converters

Mebtu Bihonegn Beza, Massimo Bongiorno, Anant Narula
2020 22nd European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, EPE 2020 ECCE Europe, p. P.1-P.10
Paper i proceeding

Impact of converter control strategy on low- and high-frequency resonance interactions in power-electronic dominated systems

Mebtu Bihonegn Beza, Massimo Bongiorno
International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems. Vol. 120
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Impact of steady-state grid-frequency deviations on the performance of grid-forming converter control strategies

Anant Narula, Massimo Bongiorno, Mebtu Bihonegn Beza et al
2020 22nd European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, EPE 2020 ECCE Europe. Vol. 22
Paper i proceeding

Investigation of subsynchronous control interaction in DFIG-based wind farms connected to a series compensated transmission line

Selam Chernet, Mebtu Bihonegn Beza, Massimo Bongiorno
International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems. Vol. 105, p. 765-774
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

On the risk for subsynchronous control interaction in Type 4 based wind farms

Mebtu Bihonegn Beza, Massimo Bongiorno
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy. Vol. 10 (3), p. 1410-1418
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Identification of resonance interactions in offshore-wind farms connected to the main grid by MMC-based HVDC system

Mebtu Bihonegn Beza, Massimo Bongiorno
International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems. Vol. 111, p. 101-113
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Impact of converter control parameters on the high-frequency resonance stability of a wind-farm connected to an ac grid

Mebtu Bihonegn Beza, Massimo Bongiorno
2019 21st European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, EPE 2019 ECCE Europe
Paper i proceeding

Analytical Derivation of the AC-Side Input Admittance of a Modular Multilevel Converter with Open- and Closed-Loop Control Strategies

Mebtu Bihonegn Beza, Massimo Bongiorno, Georgios Stamatiou
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. Vol. 33 (1), p. 248-256
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Impedance Analysis of Modular Multi-level Converters Connected to Weak AC Grids

Javad Khazaei, Mebtu Bihonegn Beza, Massimo Bongiorno
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. Vol. 33 (4), p. 4015-4025
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Analytical Derivation of the DC-Side Input Admittance of the Direct-Voltage Controlled Modular Multilevel Converter

Georgios Stamatiou, Mebtu Bihonegn Beza, Massimo Bongiorno et al
IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution. Vol. 11 (16), p. 4018-4030
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Frequency domain methods for stability assessment of grid-connected converters - An overview

Georgios Stamatiou, Mebtu Bihonegn Beza, Massimo Bongiorno
19th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE'17 ECCE Europe). Vol. 2017-January
Paper i proceeding

Adaptive Generalized Delayed Signal Cancellation Method for Phase-Sequence Estimation

Massimo Bongiorno, Mebtu Bihonegn Beza
19th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE'17 ECCE Europe). Vol. 2017-January
Paper i proceeding

Stability of grid-connected modular multilevel converter with open- and closed-loop ac-side control

Mebtu Bihonegn Beza, Massimo Bongiorno
19th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE'17 ECCE Europe). Vol. 2017-January
Paper i proceeding

A Modified RLS Algorithm for Online Estimation of Low-Frequency Oscillations in Power Systems

Mebtu Bihonegn Beza, Massimo Bongiorno
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. Vol. 31 (3), p. 1703 - 1714
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Comparison of Two Control Approaches for Stability Enhancement Using STATCOM with Active Power Injection Capability

Mebtu Bihonegn Beza, Massimo Bongiorno
7th Annual IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, ECCE 2015, Montreal, Canada, 20-24 September 2015, p. 4721-4728
Paper i proceeding

An Adaptive Power Oscillation Damping Controller by STATCOM With Energy Storage

Mebtu Bihonegn Beza, Massimo Bongiorno
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. Vol. 30 (1), p. 484-493
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Independent damping control of multimode low-frequency oscillations using shunt-connected FACTS devices in power system

Mebtu Bihonegn Beza, Massimo Bongiorno
2014 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, ECCE 2014, p. 716-723
Paper i proceeding

Application of Recursive Least Squares Algorithm With Variable Forgetting Factor for Frequency Component Estimation in a Generic Input Signal

Mebtu Bihonegn Beza, Massimo Bongiorno
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications. Vol. 50 (2), p. 1168-1176
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Impact of different static load characteristics on power oscillation damping by shunt-connected FACTS devices

Mebtu Bihonegn Beza, Massimo Bongiorno
Power Electronics and Applications (EPE), 2013 15th European Conference, p. 1 - 10
Paper i proceeding

Application of Recursive Least Square (RLS) Algorithm with Variable Forgetting Factor for Frequency Components Estimation in a Generic Input Signal

Mebtu Bihonegn Beza, Massimo Bongiorno
4th Annual IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, ECCE 2012, Raleigh, NC, USA, 15 - 20 September 2012, p. 2164-2171
Paper i proceeding

Improved Discrete Current Controller for Grid-connected Voltage Source Converters in Distorted Grids

Mebtu Bihonegn Beza, Massimo Bongiorno
4th Annual IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, ECCE 2012, Raleigh, NC, USA, 15 - 20 September 2012, p. 77-84
Paper i proceeding

A fast estimation algorithm for low-frequency oscillations in power systems

Mebtu Bihonegn Beza, Massimo Bongiorno
Proceedings of the 2011-14th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE 2011). Birmingham, 30 August-1 September 2011, p. 1 - 10
Paper i proceeding

Power oscillation damping controller by static synchronous compensator with energy storage

Mebtu Bihonegn Beza, Massimo Bongiorno
Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 2011 IEEE, p. 2977 - 2984
Paper i proceeding

Three-level converters with selective Harmonic Elimination PWM for HVDC application

Mebtu Bihonegn Beza, Staffan Norrga
Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 2010 IEEE, 12-16 Sept. 2010, Atlanta, GA, p. 3746-3753
Paper i proceeding

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Visar 5 forskningsprojekt


Activities within electric power generation, transmission and distribution systems, part 2

Massimo Bongiorno Elnät och komponenter
Mebtu Bihonegn Beza Elnät och komponenter
Jan R Svensson Elnät och komponenter
Ritwik Majumder Elnät och komponenter


Grid-forming power converters

Mebtu Bihonegn Beza Elnät och komponenter


Activities within electric power generation, transmission and distribution systems

Massimo Bongiorno Elnät och komponenter
Ritwik Majumder Elnät och komponenter
Mebtu Bihonegn Beza Elnät och komponenter
Jan R Svensson Elnät och komponenter


PhD Program in Electrical Power and Control Engineering with Addis Abeba University

Erik Ahlgren Energiteknik
Stanislaw Gubanski Elnät och komponenter
Massimo Bongiorno Elnät och komponenter
Jimmy Ehnberg Elnät och komponenter
Torsten Wik Reglerteknik
Mebtu Bihonegn Beza Elnät och komponenter

Det kan finnas fler projekt där Mebtu Bihonegn Beza medverkar, men du måste vara inloggad som anställd på Chalmers för att kunna se dem.