Pablo Picazo-Sanchez
Visar 19 publikationer
Policy Parsing Panthers at Touché: Ideology and Power Identification in Parliamentary Debates
FakeX: A Framework for Detecting Fake Reviews of Browser Extensions
Clipaha: A Scheme to Perform Password Stretching on the Client
Attribute-based encryption with enforceable obligations
Gridchain: an investigation of privacy for the future local distribution grid
Modelling Cryptographic Distinguishers Using Machine Learning
Are chrome extensions compliant with the spirit of least privilege?
DeDup.js: Discovering Malicious and Vulnerable Extensions by Detecting Duplication
No Signal Left to Chance: Driving Browser Extension Analysis by Download Patterns
Hardening the security analysis of browser extensions
A collaborative access control framework for online social networks
After you, please: browser extensions order attacks and countermeasures
HMAC and “secure preferences”: Revisiting chromium-based browsers security
Latex Gloves: Protecting Browser Extensions from Probing and Revelation Attacks
HIKE: Walking the Privacy Trail
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