Camille Nicole Géraldine Pauzon

Visar 21 publikationer


Effect of layer thickness on spatter properties during laser powder bed fusion of Ti–6Al–4V

Camille Nicole Géraldine Pauzon, Ahmad Raza, Imran Hanif et al
Powder Metallurgy. Vol. 66 (4), p. 333-342
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Effect of processing gas on spatter generation and oxidation of TiAl6V4 alloy in laser powder bed fusion process

Ahmad Raza, Camille Nicole Géraldine Pauzon, S. Dubiez-Le Goff et al
Applied Surface Science. Vol. 613
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Effect of layer thickness on spatters oxidation of Hastelloy X alloy during powder bed fusion-laser beam processing

Ahmad Raza, Claudia de Andrade Schwerz, Camille Nicole Géraldine Pauzon et al
Powder Technology. Vol. 422
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Effect of helium as process gas on laser powder bed fusion of Ti-6Al-4V studied with operando diffraction and radiography

Camille Nicole Géraldine Pauzon, S. Van Petegem, Eduard Hryha et al
European Journal of Materials. Vol. 2 (1), p. 422-435
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Impact of contour scanning and helium-rich process gas on performances of Alloy 718 lattices produced by laser powder bed fusion

Camille Nicole Géraldine Pauzon, T. Mishurova, Marie Fischer et al
Materials and Design. Vol. 215
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Effect of part thickness on the microstructure and tensile properties of 316L parts produced by laser powder bed fusion

Alexander Leicht, Camille Nicole Géraldine Pauzon, Masoud Rashidi et al
Advances in Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering. Vol. 2
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Spatter oxidation during laser powder bed fusion of Alloy 718: Dependence on oxygen content in the process atmosphere

Ahmad Raza, Camille Nicole Géraldine Pauzon, Eduard Hryha et al
Additive Manufacturing. Vol. 48
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Oxygen balance during laser powder bed fusion of Alloy 718

Camille Nicole Géraldine Pauzon, Ahmad Raza, Eduard Hryha et al
Materials and Design. Vol. 201
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Residual stresses and porosity in Ti-6Al-4V produced by laser powder bed fusion as a function of process atmosphere and component design

Camille Nicole Géraldine Pauzon, Tatiana Mishurova, Sergei Evsevleev et al
Additive Manufacturing. Vol. 47
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Control of residual oxygen of the process atmosphere during laser-powder bed fusion processing of Ti-6Al-4V

Camille Nicole Géraldine Pauzon, Kai Dietrich, Pierre Forêt et al
Additive Manufacturing. Vol. 38
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Effect of the process atmosphere composition on alloy 718 produced by laser powder bed fusion

Camille Nicole Géraldine Pauzon, Andreas MarkstrÖm, Sophie Dubiez Le Goff et al
Metals. Vol. 11 (8)
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Reduction of incandescent spatter with helium addition to the process gas during laser powder bed fusion of Ti-6Al-4V

Camille Nicole Géraldine Pauzon, B. Hoppe, T. Pichler et al
CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology. Vol. 35, p. 371-378
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Tailored process gases for laser powder bed fusion

Camille Nicole Géraldine Pauzon

Mitigating oxygen pick-up during laser powder bed fusion of Ti-6Al-4V by limiting heat accumulation

Camille Nicole Géraldine Pauzon, Kai Dietrich, Pierre Forêt et al
Materials Letters. Vol. 288
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Effect of the process gas and scan speed on the properties and productivity of thin 316L structures produced by Laser-Powder Bed Fusion

Camille Nicole Géraldine Pauzon, Alexander Leicht, Uta Klement et al
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science. Vol. 51 (10), p. 5339-5350
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Argon-helium mixtures as Laser-Powder Bed Fusion atmospheres: Towards increased build rate of Ti-6Al-4V

Camille Nicole Géraldine Pauzon, Pierre Forêt, Eduard Hryha et al
Journal of Materials Processing Technology. Vol. 279
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Effect of argon and nitrogen atmospheres on the properties of stainless steel 316 L parts produced by laser-powder bed fusion

Camille Nicole Géraldine Pauzon, Eduard Hryha, Pierre Forêt et al
Materials and Design. Vol. 179
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Thermally Induced Porosity within HIPed Ti64 Parts: Effect of Entrapped Argon versus Helium in L-PBF

Camille Nicole Géraldine Pauzon, Sophie Dubiez-Le Goff, Eduard Hryha et al
Euro PM 2019 Congress and Exhibition
Paper i proceeding

The process atmosphere as a parameter in the Laser-Powder Bed Fusion process

Camille Nicole Géraldine Pauzon

Effect of Helium - Argon Mixtures as Laser - Powder Bed Fusion Processing Atmospheres on the Properties of the Built Ti-6Al-4V Parts

Camille Nicole Géraldine Pauzon, Pierre Forêt, Eduard Hryha et al
World PM2018 Proceedings
Paper i proceeding

Effect of argon and nitrogen atmospheres on the properties of the as-built 316L stainless steel components by Laser Sintering

Camille Nicole Géraldine Pauzon, Eduard Hryha, Pierre Forêt et al
Euro PM2017 Proceedings
Paper i proceeding

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