Rikard Lindgren
Visar 28 publikationer
Managing identity tensions during mobile ecosystem evolution
Design matters for decision makers: Discovering IT investment alternatives
Standards-Based Delivery of Multi-Contextual Services: On the Identity Tension
Transport Coopetition for Environmental Sustainability: Guiding Vertical Standard Design
Transport Coopetition for Enviromental Sustainability: Guiding Vertical Standard Design
User Involvement in Developing Mobile and Temporarily Interconnected Systems
Multi-Contextuality in Boundary-Spanning Practices
Knowledge Management Systems: Towards a Theory of Integrated Support
Architectural Knowledge in Inter-Organizational IT Innovation
Technology-Mediated Learning Systems for Project Work: A Design Theory
System Support for Knowledge Work: Bridging the Knowing-Doing Gap
Adopting Competence Systems in Fast-Growing Knowledge-Intensive Organizations
Multi-Contextuality in Ubiquitous Computing: Investigating the Car Case through Action Research
Design Principles for Competence Management Systems: A Synthesis of an Action Research Study
Competence Visualizer: Generating Competence Patterns of Project Groups
Rethinking competence systems for knowledge-based organizations
Designing Competence Systems: Towards Interest-Activated Technology
The Evolution of Knowledge Management
Using Competence Systems: Adoption Barriers and Design Suggestions
The Evolution of Knowledge Management Systems Needs to be Managed
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