Alessandro Romeo
Alessandro utforskar födelse, liv, och död av galaxer i universum, med fokus på kopplingen mellan stjärnbildning, gravitationell instabilitet och interstellära turbulens.

Visar 51 publikationer
From giant clumps to clouds - III. The connection between star formation and turbulence in the ISM
On the observed diversity of star formation efficiencies in Giant Molecular Clouds
The stellar velocity dispersion in nearby spirals: radial profiles and correlations
Physical properties and scaling relations of molecular clouds: the effect of stellar feedback
Angular momentum and local gravitational instability in galaxy discs: does Q correlate with j or M ?
The impact of stellar feedback on the density and velocity structure of the interstellar medium
Chemodynamic Evolution Of Dwarf Galaxies In Tidal Fields
Characterizing gravitational instability in turbulent multicomponent galactic discs
A double molecular disc in the triple-barred starburst galaxy NGC 6946: structure and stability
Larson's scaling laws, and the gravitational instability of clumpy discs at high redshift
The effect of ISM turbulence on the gravitational instability of galactic discs
The effective stability parameter for two-component galactic discs: is 1/Q ~ 1/Q_stars + 1/Q_gas ?
A Toomre-like stability criterion for the clumpy and turbulent interstellar medium
Turbulence in galactic disks: The role of self-gravity and supernova feedback
Large-scale galactic turbulence: can self-gravity drive the observed HI velocity dispersions?
A New Smoothing Algorithm and its Application in Gravitational Lensing
Discreteness effects in LambdaCDM simulations
A new smoothing algorithm and its application in gravitational lensing
Discreteness effects in LambdaCDM simulations: A wavelet-statistical view
ReadMe: JOFILUREN - A wavelet add-on code for new-generation N-body simulations and data de-noising
A wavelet add-on code for new-generation N-body simulations and data de-noising (JOFILUREN)
N-body simulations with two-orders-of-magnitude higher performance using wavelets
Properties of galaxy haloes in clusters and voids
Astrophysical Dynamics 1999/2000: Merging Research and Education
MY LIFE AS TUTOR: Reflections on Two Recent Experiences
N-Body simulations of disc galaxies can shed light on the Dark-Matter problem
How faithful are N-body simulations of disc galaxies?
Stability of thick two-component galactic discs
Global spiral modes in stellar disks containing gas
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