Hugo Sica de Andrade
Visar 19 publikationer
Software Deployment on Heterogeneous Platforms: A Systematic Mapping Study
A Process-oriented Approach for Migrating Software to Heterogeneous Platforms
Refactoring Software in the Automotive Domain for Execution on Heterogeneous Platforms
HPM-Frame: A Decision Framework for Executing Software on Heterogeneous Platforms
Principles for Re-architecting Software for Heterogeneous Platforms
Software Challenges in Heterogeneous Computing: A Multiple Case Study in Industry
The Automotive Take on Continuous Experimentation: A Multiple Case Study
Enhancing Context Specifications for Dependable Adaptive Systems: A Data Mining Approach
GoalD: A Goal-Driven Deployment Framework for Dynamic and Heterogeneous Computing Environments
Design approaches for critical embedded systems: A systematic mapping study
Software Concerns for Execution on Heterogeneous Platforms
A Review on Software Architectures for Heterogeneous Platforms
Investigating Software Deployment on Heterogeneous Platforms
Adaptive message restructuring using model-driven engineering
Systematic Evaluation of Three Data Marshalling Approaches for Distributed Software Systems
Architectural Bad Smells in Software Product Lines: An Exploratory Study
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