Thomas Rosenstatter
Visar 12 publikationer
CONSERVE: A framework for the selection of techniques for monitoring containers security
RIPOSTE: A Collaborative Cyber Attack Response Framework for Automotive Systems
On the Secure and Resilient Design of Connected Vehicles: Methods and Guidelines
V2C: A Trust-Based Vehicle to Cloud Anomaly Detection Framework for Automotive Systems
Resilient Shield: Reinforcing the Resilience of Vehicles Against Security Threats
REMIND: A Framework for the Resilient Design of Automotive Systems
Towards a Standardised Framework for Securing Connected Vehicles
Extending AUTOSAR's Counter-based Solution for Freshness of Authenticated Messages in Vehicles
Open Problems when Mapping Automotive Security Levels to System Requirements
Towards a Standardized Mapping from Automotive Security Levels to Security Mechanisms
Modelling the Level of Trust in a Cooperative Automated Vehicle Control System
Team Halmstad Approach to Cooperative Driving in the Grand Cooperative Driving Challenge 2016
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