Tomas Ekvall
Visar 89 publikationer
Impacts on fuel producers and customers of conflicting rules for life cycle assessment
A life cycle assessment framework for large-scale changes in material circularity
Incentives for recycling and incineration in LCA: Polymers in Product Environmental Footprints
Modelling incineration for more accurate comparisons to recycling in PEF and LCA
Metal markets and recycling policies: impacts and challenges
Attributional and consequential life cycle assessment
A Swedish comment on ‘review: the availability of life-cycle studies in Sweden’
Generating LCA partitioning factors for sewage sludge management using a Delphi procedure
The impact of Swedish SO2 policy instruments on SO2 emissions 1990–2012
Low-energy buildings heat supply–Modelling of energy systems and carbon
System profitability of excess heat utilisation – A case-based modelling analysis
Policy Instruments towards a sustainable waste management
Integrated economic and environmental assessment of waste policy instruments
Review of methodological choices in LCA of biorefinery systems - key issues and recommendations
Policy instruments towards a sustainable waste management
Assessing long-term sustainability of district heating systems
Modelling to assess policy instruments in waste management
Policy instruments for a more sustainable waste management
Recent developments in life cycle assessment
Internalisation of external costs in studies of local district-heating based energy systems
Scenarios in selected tools for environmental systems analysis
Effects of perturbations in a dynamic system – The case of Nordic power production
Introduction of a waste incineration tax: Effects on the Swedish waste flows
Scenario types and scenario techniques: - Towards a users guide to scenarios
Models For Waste Management: Possibilities and Limitations
Calculation errors in life-cycle assessments
HEATSPOT a simulation tool for national district heating analyses
Miljökonsekvenser av val av fjärvärmebränsle
Attributional and consequential environmental assessment of the shift to lead-free solders
Consequential modelling of Vistar combustion: a feasibility study
Miljönyttan av avfallsförbränning på kort sikt, lång sikt och i en uthållig framtid
Driving forces for import of waste for energy recovery in Sweden.
Introduction to the special issue: "Environmental Assessments and Waste Management"
Environmental assessment of brownfield rehabilitation using two different life cycle inventory.
A Classification of Scenario Methods Useful for the Expansion of Tools of Industrial Ecology.
LCA of solid waste compared to other fuels in a district heating system
Life cycle assessment introduction and overview
System-wide environmental consequences of Vistar combustion in Stenungsund - Feasibility study
Normative ethics and methodology for life cycle assessment
What LCA does and does not do in integrated waste management
Vilken sophantering är bäst för miljön?
Complex marginal electricity in the Nordic countries
Energisystemforskarnas roller i beslutsprocessen
Effects of planned expansion of waste incineration in the Swedish district heating systems
Introduction to the special issue: "Environmental Assessments and Waste Management"
Comparative assessment of attributional and consequential methods for LCA
Some Properties of Environmental Systems Analysis Tools - Life Cycle Assessment as an Example
System Boundaries and Input Data in Consequential Life Cycle Inventory Analysis
Integrating market mechanisms in life cycle inventory analysis
Förbränning av sopor slöseri med resurser
System Models in Swedish Waste Management Planning
Tools for consequential modelling, Abstracts.
Attributional and consequential LCI modelling
Minimera mängden producerat avfall
Forskare uppmanar: "Fortsätt sopsortera"
Benefits from increased cooperation and energy trade under CO2 commitments - The Nordic case
Economists wanted in life cycle assessment
Cleaner production tools: LCA and beyond
Heat and power from waste incineration in Sweden - How will it develop under future CO2 commitments?
Scenario development in life cycle assessment
Swedish waste incineration and electricity production
Assessing external and indirect costs and benefits of recycling
Marginal or average data - Ethical implications
Allocation in ISO 14041- a critical review
Introduction and summary of the land-use theme
Framework for scenario development in LCA
System Expansion and Allocation in Life Cycle Assessment With Implications for Wastepaper Management
Open-Loop Recycling: Criteria for Allocation Procedures
Choice of system boundaries in life cycle assessment
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Visar 3 forskningsprojekt
Incitament för energiutvinning i livscykelanalys av plast
Effekter av motstridiga regelsystem för livscykelanalys