Tong Ning
Visar 49 publikationer
Assessment of GNSS stations using atmospheric horizontal gradients and microwave radiometry
Use of GNSS Tropospheric Products for Climate Monitoring (Working Group 3)
Station calibration of the SWEPOS GNSS network
Accuracy assessment of the two WVRs, Astrid and Konrad, at the Onsala Space Observatory
The uncertainty of the atmospheric integrated water vapour estimated from GNSS observations
A 17 year time series of ground-based GNSS for sensing of atmospheric water vapour
Onsala Space Observatory – IVS Analysis Center Activities during 2014
Onsala Space Observatory – IVS Network Station Activities during 2014
Onsala Space Observatory – IVS Analysis Center Activities during 2013
Onsala Space Observatory – IVS Network Station Activities During 2013
Onsala Space Observatory – IVS Network Station
Onsala Space Observatory – IVS Analysis Center
Onsala Space Observatory - IVS Network Station
Instruments, data and techniques for the assessment of tropospheric noise in deep space tracking
Multi-technique comparisons of 10 years of wet delay estimates on the west coast of Sweden
Onsala Space Observatory - IVS Analysis Center
Onsala Space Observatory - IVS Network Station
Global Navigation Satellite Systems: Applications With Time Scales From Seconds to Decades
Evaluation of climate models using ground-based GNSS observations
High-Rate GNSS Techniques for the Detection of Large Seismic Displacements
Site Dependent Effects in GNSS-Observations - Reflections as Disturbances and/or Signals
Validation of climate models using European ground-based GNSS observations
The impact of the electromagnetic environment of the antenna on GPS
The impact of the electromagnetic environment of the antenna on GPS
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