Daniel Hedin
Visar 27 publikationer
Merging Places: A Real-Time Distributed Live Reverberation Chamber
LazyTAP: On-Demand Data Minimization for Trigger-Action Applications
Poster: Data Minimization by Construction for Trigger-Action Applications
EssentialFP: Exposing the Essence of Browser Fingerprinting
SandTrap: Securing JavaScript-driven Trigger-Action Platforms
Securing Node-RED Applications
Information Flow Tracking for Side-Effectful Libraries
A Principled Approach to Tracking Information Flow in the Presence of Libraries
Information-flow security for JavaScript and its APIs
Value Sensitivity and Observable Abstract Values for Information Flow Control
Web Application Security using JSFlow
Value-sensitive Hybrid Information Flow Control for a JavaScript-like Language
SeLINQ: Tracking information across application-database boundaries
JSFlow: Tracking Information Flow in JavaScript and its APIs
Architectures for Inlining Security Monitors in Web Application
Information-flow security for a core of JavaScript
Boosting the Permissiveness of Dynamic Information-Flow Tracking by Testing
A Perspective on Information-Flow Control
Cryptographically-Masked Flows
Abstract Interpretation Plugins for Type Systems
Cryptographically-Masked Flows
Noninterference in the presence of non-opaque pointers
Timing Aware Information Flow Security for a JavaCard-like Bytecode
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