Richard Neutze
Visar 36 publikationer
No observable non-thermal effect of microwave radiation on the growth of microtubules
Lipidic cubic phase serial millisecond crystallography using synchrotron radiation
Applying THz Technology in Life Science
Visualizing a protein quake with time-resolved X-ray scattering at a free-electron laser
Light-Induced Structural Changes in a Photosynthetic Reaction Center Caught by Laue Diffraction
Refractive-Index-Based Screening of Membrane-Protein-Mediated Transfer across Biological Membranes
Structural dynamics of light-driven proton pumps.
Structural and functional analysis of SoPIP2;1 mutants adds insight into plant aquaporin gating.
Crystal structure of a yeast aquaporin at 1.15 angstrom reveals a novel gating mechanism.
Membrane protein crystallization from lipidic phases
Affinity tags can reduce merohedral twinning of membrane protein crystals
A Lipidic-Sponge Phase Screen for Membrane Protein Crystallization
High-resolution x-ray structure of human aquaporin 5
Optimized in vitro and in vivo expression of proteorhodopsin: A seven-transmembrane proton pump
Effective high-throughput overproduction of membrane proteins in Escherichia coli
Exceptional overproduction of a functional human membrane protein
pH dependence of copper geometry, reduction potential, and nitrite affinity in nitrite reductase
Towards a structural and functional understanding of human aquaporin 9
Light stimulates growth of proteorhodopsin-containing marine Flavobacteria
Crystal Structure of AcrB in Complex with a Single Transmembrane Subunit Reveals Another Twist.
Lipidic sponge phase crystallization of membrane proteins.
Picosecond calorimetry: time-resolved x-ray diffraction studies of liquid CH2Cl2
Structural mechanism of plant aquaporin gating
Enzyme:substrate hydrogen bond shortening during the acylation phase of serine protease catalysis.
Structural determination of a transient isomer of CH2I2 by picosecond x-ray diffraction
Structural studies on PM28A, an aquaporin from spinach
Deformation of helix C in the low-temperature L-intermediate of Bacteriorhodopsin
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