Chalmers University of Technology

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Showing 26 publications


Performance characteristics of a contra-rotating pump-turbine in turbine and pump modes under cavitating flow conditions

Jonathan Fahlbeck, Håkan Nilsson, Mohammad Hossein Arabnejad Khanouki et al
Renewable Energy
Journal article

Towards practical applications of deep reinforcement learning in computational fluid dynamics

Saeed Salehi, Håkan Nilsson
Other conference contribution

Formation and evolution of vortex breakdown consequent to post design flow increase in a Francis turbine

Faiz Azhar Masoodi, Saeed Salehi, Rahul Goyal
Physics of Fluids (2)
Journal article

Modal analysis of vortex rope using dynamic mode decomposition

Saeed Salehi, Håkan Nilsson
Physics of Fluids (2)
Journal article

Reorganization of flow field due to load rejection driven self-mitigation of high load vortex breakdown in a Francis turbine

Faiz Azhar Masoodi, Saeed Salehi, Rahul Goyal
Physics of Fluids
Journal article

Physics-Informed Neural Networks for Modeling Linear Waves

Mohammad Sheikholeslami, Saeed Salehi, Wengang Mao et al
Proceedings of the International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering - OMAE
Paper in proceeding

A semi-implicit slip algorithm for mesh deformation in complex geometries, implemented in OpenFOAM

Saeed Salehi, Håkan Nilsson
Computer Physics Communications
Journal article

Cavitation Simulations of a Low Head Contra-rotating Pump-turbine

Jonathan Fahlbeck, Håkan Nilsson, Saeed Salehi et al
OpenFOAM Workshop (OFW18) Book of abstracts, p. 348-349
Other conference contribution
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