Rahmatollah Khezri
Showing 16 publications
Optimal V2G Scheduling of an EV with Calendar and Cycle Aging of Battery: An MILP Approach
Stationary BES Coupled with Solar PV for an Energy Shared Home with an EV
Guest editorial: Application of cloud energy storage systems in power systems
Optimal EV Charge Scheduling Considering FCR Participation and Battery Degradation
Multiobjective Long-Period Optimal Planning Model for a Grid-Connected Renewable-Battery System
A Review on Implementation of Vehicle to Everything (V2X): Benefits, Barriers and Measures
Vehicle to Everything (V2X) - A Survey on Standards and Operational Strategies
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Showing 3 research projects
SCALE - Smart Charging ALignment for Europe
Elbilar till allting – Mobilitet med extra tjänster (V2X-MAS)