Rahmatollah Khezri

Showing 16 publications


Profit benchmarking and degradation analysis for revenue stacking of batteries in Sweden’s day-ahead electricity and frequency containment reserve markets

Nima Mirzaei Alavijeh, Rahmatollah Khezri, Mohammadreza Mazidi et al
Applied Energy. Vol. 381
Journal article

Effects of energy sharing and electricity tariffs on optimal sizing of PV-battery systems for grid-connected houses

Siraj Khanal, Rahmatollah Khezri, Amin Mahmoudi et al
Computers and Electrical Engineering. Vol. 118
Journal article

Optimal V2G Scheduling of an EV with Calendar and Cycle Aging of Battery: An MILP Approach

Rahmatollah Khezri, David Steen, Evelina Wikner et al
IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification. Vol. 10 (4), p. 10497-10507
Journal article

Effects of electric vehicles on energy sharing for optimal sizing of solar PV and battery energy storage

Siraj Khanal, Rahmatollah Khezri, Amin Mahmoudi et al
Renewable Energy. Vol. 237
Journal article

Machine Learning-based Sizing of a Renewable-Battery System for Grid-Connected Homes with Fast-Charging Electric Vehicle

Rahmatollah Khezri, Peyman Razmi, Amin Mahmoudi et al
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy. Vol. 14 (2), p. 837-848
Journal article

Stationary BES Coupled with Solar PV for an Energy Shared Home with an EV

Siraj Khanal, Rahmatollah Khezri, Amin Mahmoudi et al
2023 IEEE International Conference on Energy Technologies for Future Grids, ETFG 2023
Paper in proceeding

Resiliency-Oriented Economic Sizing of Battery for a Residential Community: Cloud Versus Distributed Energy Storage Systems

Salah Bahramara, Rahmatollah Khezri, Mohammed H. Haque
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications. Vol. 60 (2), p. 1963-1974
Journal article

Effects of Calendar and Cycle Ageing on Battery Scheduling for Optimal Energy Management: A Case Study of HSB Living Lab

Mohammadreza Mazidi, Rahmatollah Khezri, Maryam Mohiti Ardakani et al
2023 IEEE International Conference on Energy Technologies for Future Grids
Paper in proceeding

Guest editorial: Application of cloud energy storage systems in power systems

Amin Mahmoudi, Rahmatollah Khezri, Ali Bidram et al
IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution. Vol. 17 (8), p. 1687-1689
Other text in scientific journal

Optimal sizing of grid-connected rooftop photovoltaic and battery energy storage for houses with electric vehicle

Sarah Merrington, Rahmatollah Khezri, Amin Mahmoudi
IET Smart Grid. Vol. 6 (3), p. 297-311
Journal article

Optimal EV Charge Scheduling Considering FCR Participation and Battery Degradation

Rahmatollah Khezri, David Steen, Anh Tuan Le
2023 IEEE International Conference on Energy Technologies for Future Grids
Paper in proceeding

Optimal capacity of solar photovoltaic and battery storage for grid-tied houses based on energy sharing

Siraj Khanal, Rahmatollah Khezri, Amin Mahmoudi et al
IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution. Vol. 17 (8), p. 1707-1722
Journal article

Multiobjective Long-Period Optimal Planning Model for a Grid-Connected Renewable-Battery System

Rahmatollah Khezri, Amin Mahmoudi, Hirohisa Aki
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications. Vol. 58 (4), p. 5055-5067
Journal article

A Review on Implementation of Vehicle to Everything (V2X): Benefits, Barriers and Measures

Rahmatollah Khezri, David Steen, Anh Tuan Le
IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe. Vol. 2022-October
Paper in proceeding

Vehicle to Everything (V2X) - A Survey on Standards and Operational Strategies

Rahmatollah Khezri, David Steen, Anh Tuan Le
2022 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering and 2022 IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe, EEEIC / I and CPS Europe 2022
Paper in proceeding

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Showing 3 research projects


PEPP - Public EV Power Pilots

David Steen Power grids and Components
Rahmatollah Khezri Power grids and Components
Swedish Energy Agency


SCALE - Smart Charging ALignment for Europe

David Steen Power grids and Components
Rahmatollah Khezri Power grids and Components
European Commission (EC)

1 publication exists

Elbilar till allting – Mobilitet med extra tjänster (V2X-MAS)

David Steen Power grids and Components
Evelina Wikner Electrical Machines and Power Electronics
Rahmatollah Khezri Power grids and Components
Swedish Energy Agency

4 publications exist
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