Patrik Alexandersson

Project Leader at TME verksamhetsstöd

Patrik Alexandersson works with the collaborative platform CHI. In this role, the focus is on strengthening and improving ongoing and future collaborations with health care - by further emphasizing the translation between Chalmers and health care. Another focus is to link relevant Chalmers skills to existing health care challenges

Patrik has the main responsibility for the training courses that CHI conducts for healthcare professionals. He also participates in various research and recovery projects, among others concerning improved sick leave and rehabilitation processes and the reorganization of health care in the Västra Götaland region.

Image of Patrik Alexandersson

Showing 5 publications


Action researchers as “orchestrators” of co-innovation: a theoretical and methodological framework

Marianne Eliassen, Cathrine Arntzen, Lina Forslund et al
BMC Health Services Research. Vol. 24 (1)
Journal article

Småskaliga live case för att integrera livslångt lärande och arbetslivsanknytning

Ida Gremyr, Magdalena Smeds, Patrik Alexandersson et al
Proceedings Chalmers Conference on Teaching and Learning 2023, p. 47-50
Paper in proceeding

Public management in turbulent times: COVID‐19 as an ecosystem disruptor

Erik Eriksson, Christian Gadolin, Göran Lindahl et al
Australian Journal of Public Administration. Vol. 80 (4), p. 732-747
Journal article

Coordination of paediatric oncology care: an explorative Swedish case study

Christian Gadolin, Erik Eriksson, Patrik Alexandersson
Journal of Integrated Care. Vol. 30 (5), p. 27-36
Journal article

Fourteen years of quality improvement education in healthcare: a utilisation-focused evaluation using concept mapping

Frida Smith, Patrik Alexandersson, Bo Bergman et al
BMJ open quality. Vol. 8 (4), p. e000795-
Journal article

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Showing 8 research projects


SMILLA: SMall-scale live cases to Integrate Life-long Learning and Access to work-life examples

Ida Gremyr Service Management and Logistics
Andreas Hellström Service Management and Logistics
Patrik Alexandersson Project and Centre Management

1 publication exists

The patient as innovation leader in the welfare system

Andreas Hellström Service Management and Logistics
Hans Björkman Entrepreneurship and Strategy
Patrik Alexandersson Project and Centre Management
Erik Eriksson Service Management and Logistics


Improvement of sick leave processes

Henrik Eriksson Service Management and Logistics
Patrik Alexandersson Project and Centre Management
Daniel Gyllenhammar Service Management and Logistics
Region Västra Götaland

1 publication exists

Healthcare transformation in Region Västra Götaland

Patrik Alexandersson Project and Centre Management
Andreas Hellström Service Management and Logistics
Erik Eriksson Service Management and Logistics
Christian Gadolin Service Management and Logistics
Thomas Andersson Service Management and Logistics
Region Västra Götaland


Kunskapsspridning om innovation och förnyelse inom hälso- och sjukvård

Andreas Hellström Service Management and Logistics
Patrik Alexandersson Service Management and Logistics


Kraftens Hus - from power to survive the power to live - Innovative service design for better support to people affected by cancer

Andreas Hellström Service Management and Logistics
Patrik Alexandersson Service Management and Logistics
Lisa Carlgren Innovation and R&D Management
Region Västra Götaland


Innovations- och förnyelseförmåga inom och mellan vårdgivare

Andreas Hellström Quality Sciences
Patrik Alexandersson Quality Sciences


Digital Environment for Cognitive Inclusion (DECI)

Patrik Alexandersson Service Management and Logistics
Henrik Eriksson Service Management and Logistics
Andreas Hellström Service Management and Logistics
Monika Jurkeviciute Service Management and Logistics
European Commission (EC)

4 publications exist
There might be more projects where Patrik Alexandersson participates, but you have to be logged in as a Chalmers employee to see them.