Yin Zeng

Doctoral Student at Terahertz and Millimetre Wave Laboratory

Yin Zeng is current working in the design and measurement of ultra-low power consumption low noise amplifier. He has backgrounds in microwave circuit design and on-wafer semiconductor devices characterization and modeling. His goal of research is to reduce the power consumption of ultra-low noise amplifier based on InP HEMT to less than 100 micro-Watt under cryogenic operation.

Source: chalmers.se
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Showing 6 publications


Sub-mW Cryogenic InP HEMT LNA for Qubit Readout

Yin Zeng, Jorgen Stenarson, Peter Sobis et al
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques. Vol. 72 (3), p. 1606-1617
Journal article

Transient Noise and Gain Characterization for Pulse-Operated LNAs

Yin Zeng, Jörgen Stenarson, Peter Sobis et al
IEEE Microwave and Wireless Technology Letters. Vol. In Press
Journal article

100-μW Cryogenic HEMT LNAs for Quantum Computing

Yin Zeng, Junjie Li, Jörgen Stenarson et al
2023 18th European Microwave Integrated Circuits Conference, EuMIC 2023, p. 71-74
Paper in proceeding

A 100-µW 4-6 GHz Cryogenic InP HEMT LNA Achieving an Average Noise Temperature of 2.6 K

Yin Zeng, Jörgen Stenarson, Peter Sobis et al
Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference Proceedings, APMC. Vol. 2022-November, p. 13-15
Paper in proceeding

A 100-mu W 4-6 GHz Cryogenic InP HEMT LNA Achieving an Average Noise Temperature of 2.6 K

Yin Zeng, Jorgen Stenarson, Peter Sobis et al
Paper in proceeding

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