Ayman Abed
Showing 19 publications
Långsamma skred i skiktad siltig jord, Förstudie – BIG A2022-01
A grid-based methodology for the assessment of time-dependent building damage at large scale
FEniCS simulation of artesian conditions in clay slope
A metamodel for estimating time-dependent groundwater-induced subsidence at large scales
Alternative ways of modelling stabilised excavations
Finite element analysis for a deep excavation in soft clay supported by lime-cement columns
The influence of parameter variability on subsidence
Shear strength and shear stiffness analysis of compacted Wyoming-type bentonite
2D & 3D numerical analyses of a deep excavation supported by LC columns
FEniCS simulation of a partially saturated slope under varying environmental loads
A constitutive framework for the chemo-mechanical behaviour of unsaturated non-expansive clays
Modelling the behaviour of unsaturated non-active clays in saline environment
3D simulations of deep mixed columns under road embankment
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Showing 10 research projects
Creeping to failure – triggering of shallow landslides in sensitive clays
System response of lime-cement columns
Riskbedömning av skred med hydrogeologisk- och geoteknisk modellering
Quantification of the impact of climate change on the built environment at regional scale
Rate-dependent response of excavations and permanent underground structures
Modellering av tidsberoende grundvattensänkning, markdeformationer och dess skaderisker
BIG A2020-09 Simple analyses of slopes in a changing climate
Djupstabilisering i stadsmiljö
Efficient computational modelling for sustainable use of deep mixing in urban environment