Abolfazl Rezaei Aderiani

Research Specialist at Product Development

Abolfazl Aderiani is a postdoctoral researcher in the geometry assurance and robust design group. The focus field of his research is improving the geometrical quality of complex non-rigid sheet metal assemblies by means of a Smart Assembly line. The employed techniques to attain this goal are selective assembly, individualized locator adjustments of assembly fixtures, and design and optimization of fixture layouts.

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Showing 12 publications


Model-based definition in computer aided tolerance analyses

Abolfazl Rezaei Aderiani, Kristina Wärmefjord, Rikard Söderberg
Procedia CIRP. Vol. 114, p. 112-116
Paper in proceeding

Integrated Tolerance and Fixture Layout Design for Compliant Sheet Metal Assemblies

Abolfazl Rezaei Aderiani, Martin Hallmann, Kristina Wärmefjord et al
Applied Sciences (Switzerland). Vol. 11 (4), p. 1-18
Journal article

Evaluating different strategies to achieve the highest geometric quality in self-adjusting smart assembly lines

Abolfazl Rezaei Aderiani, Kristina Wärmefjord, Rikard Söderberg
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing. Vol. 71
Journal article

An Improved Phenotype-Genotype Mapping for Solving Selective Assembly Problem Using Evolutionary Optimization Algorithms

Abolfazl Rezaei Aderiani, Kristina Wärmefjord, Rikard Söderberg
Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering. Vol. 20 (6), p. 061010 -061018
Journal article

Combining selective assembly and individualized locator adjustments techniques in a smart assembly line

Abolfazl Rezaei Aderiani, Kristina Wärmefjord, Rikard Söderberg
Procedia CIRP. Vol. 97 (2020), p. 429-434
Paper in proceeding

Optimal design of fixture layouts for compliant sheet metal assemblies

Abolfazl Rezaei Aderiani, Kristina Wärmefjord, Rikard Söderberg et al
International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. Vol. 110 (7-8), p. 2181-2201
Journal article

Developing a selective assembly technique for sheet metal assemblies

Abolfazl Rezaei Aderiani, Kristina Wärmefjord, Rikard Söderberg et al
International Journal of Production Research. Vol. 57 (22), p. 7174-7188
Journal article

Individualizing Locator Adjustments of Assembly Fixtures Using a Digital Twin

Abolfazl Rezaei Aderiani, Kristina Wärmefjord, Rikard Söderberg et al
Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering. Vol. 19 (4), p. 041019- 041028
Journal article


Abolfazl Rezaei Aderiani
Licentiate thesis

Enhancing digital twins through reinforcement learning

Constantin Cronrath, Abolfazl Rezaei Aderiani, Bengt Lennartson
IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering. Vol. 2019-August, p. 293-298
Paper in proceeding

A Multistage Approach to the Selective Assembly of Components Without Dimensional Distribution Assumptions

Abolfazl Rezaei Aderiani, Kristina Wärmefjord, Rikard Söderberg
Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Transactions of the ASME. Vol. 140 (7), p. 071015-071023
Journal article

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Showing 2 research projects


Digital quality assurance for sustainable industry

Rikard Söderberg Industrial and Materials Science
Roham Sadeghi Tabar Product Development
Abolfazl Rezaei Aderiani Product Development
Kristina Wärmefjord Product Development

6 publications exist

Smart Assembly 4.0

Rikard Söderberg Product and Production Development
Johan Carlson Product Development
Kristina Wärmefjord Product Development
Lars Lindkvist Product Development
Roham Sadeghi Tabar Product Development
Bengt Lennartson Automation
Abolfazl Rezaei Aderiani Product Development
Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF)

36 publications exist
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