Ludvig Lindlöf
Showing 27 publications
Tactical capabilities in agile NPD projects: insights from an autonomous car project in Sweden
Don’t throw the baby out with the bath water - Agile transformation from the trenches
The role of tactics in R&D: Insights from an autonomous car project
Inter-team coordination in agile development: Learning from non-software contexts
Using Self-regulation to develop presentation skills in an integrated curriculum in higher education
Agile Beyond Software - A Study of a Large Scale Agile Initiative
Categorizing communication needs based on R&D team characteristics - a study of visual planning
Moving into integrated solutions: Effects on the product development
Visual planning in a product development context
Procedure Model for the Indication of Change Propagation
The "documentation paradox" - on knowledge reuse through document repositories in R&D organizations
Visual Management - on Communication in Product Development Organizations
Classification of Methods for the Indication of Change Propagation - a Literature Review
Practices supporting knowledge transfer - an analysis of lean product development
Increased Flow in the Innovation Process - an Assessment Tool
Task visualization in product development - improved communication for development teams
Pros and Cons of Lean Visual Planning: Experiences from Three Product Development Organizations
Pros and cons of lean visual planning: experiences from four product development organisations
Challenges of implementing lean principles in product development – the case of Visual planning
Visualisera mera! – förbättra teamets kommunikation genom att planera visuellt
Product Development Management
Knowledge transfer - The Lean Product Development Perspective
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Showing 2 research projects
Adaptivt ledarskap för ökad innovationsförmåga - org. förutsättningar för självorganiserade team