Ludvig Lindlöf

Showing 27 publications


Tactical capabilities in agile NPD projects: insights from an autonomous car project in Sweden

Gouthanan Pushpananthan, Ludvig Lindlöf, Marcus Rothoff
International Journal of Business Innovation and Research. Vol. 33 (2), p. 236-251
Journal article

Don’t throw the baby out with the bath water - Agile transformation from the trenches

Johannes Berglind Söderqvist, Ludvig Lindlöf, Lars Trygg et al
Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming – Workshops
Paper in proceeding

The role of tactics in R&D: Insights from an autonomous car project

Gouthanan Pushpananthan, Ludvig Lindlöf, Marcus Rothoff
Other conference contribution

Inter-team coordination in agile development: Learning from non-software contexts

Johannes Berglind Söderqvist, Ludvig Lindlöf, Lars Trygg
Proceedings - 2019 IEEE/ACM 12th International Workshop on Cooperative and Human Aspects of Software Engineering, CHASE 2019. Vol. May 2019, p. 69-70
Paper in proceeding

Self-organization of the product and organization relationship – A processual perspective on the mirroring hypothesis

Johannes Berglind Söderqvist, Ludvig Lindlöf, Rashina Hoda
Paper in proceeding

Agile Beyond Software - A Study of a Large Scale Agile Initiative

Ludvig Lindlöf, Jörgen Furuhjelm
Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering Design, ICED. Vol. 5, p. 2055-2062
Paper in proceeding

Innovative course design in higher education: Applying service-dominant logic to an operations management course

Dan Paulin, Siri Jagstedt, Ludvig Lindlöf
5th World Conference on Production and Operations Management 2016, Havanna, Cuba
Conference poster

Categorizing communication needs based on R&D team characteristics - a study of visual planning

Johannes Berglind Söderqvist, Ludvig Lindlöf
R&D Management Conference 2016, Cambridge, UK
Paper in proceeding

Moving into integrated solutions: Effects on the product development

Siri Jagstedt, Magnus Persson, Ludvig Lindlöf
Proceedings of the 16th International CINet Conference
Paper in proceeding

Visual planning in a product development context

Ludvig Lindlöf, Björn Lantz
R&D Management conference 2015, Pisa, Italy
Paper in proceeding

Den osynliga processen

Ludvig Lindlöf
Management of Innovation and Technology. Vol. 1
Magazine article

Procedure Model for the Indication of Change Propagation

Sandra Helms, F G H Behncke, Ludvig Lindlöf et al
Proceedings of International Design Conference - Design 2014
Paper in proceeding

The "documentation paradox" - on knowledge reuse through document repositories in R&D organizations

Ludvig Lindlöf
Proceedings of R&D Management conference 2014, Stuttgart, Germany, p. 429-435
Paper in proceeding

Classification of Methods for the Indication of Change Propagation - a Literature Review

Sandra Helms, F G H Behncke, Ludvig Lindlöf et al
Proceedings of International Design Conference - Design 2014
Paper in proceeding

Practices supporting knowledge transfer - an analysis of lean product development

Ludvig Lindlöf, Björn Söderberg, Magnus Persson
International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing. Vol. 26 (12), p. 1128-1135
Journal article

Increased Flow in the Innovation Process - an Assessment Tool

Ludvig Lindlöf, Jörgen Furuhjelm, Johan Tingström
The 5th ISPIM Innovation Symposium - Stimulating Innovation: Challenges for Management, Science & Technology, Seoul, Korea on 9-12 December 2012.
Paper in proceeding

Task visualization in product development - improved communication for development teams

Ludvig Lindlöf, Lars Trygg
The R&D Management Conference 2012, May 23-25, Grenoble, France., p. 153-
Paper in proceeding

Lean Visual Planning and Product Development Complexity: Facilitating Information Processing Capability

Björn Söderberg, Ludvig Alfredson
18th International Product Development Conference "Innovate through design", June 5-7, Delft, The Netherlands
Paper in proceeding

Pros and Cons of Lean Visual Planning: Experiences from Three Product Development Organizations

Ludvig Alfredson, Björn Söderberg
The R&D Management Conference 2011 - R&D, Sustainability and Innovation, Norrköping, Sweden
Paper in proceeding

Pros and cons of lean visual planning: experiences from four product development organisations

Ludvig Lindlöf, Björn Söderberg
International Journal of Technology Intelligence and Planning. Vol. 7 (3/2011), p. 269-279
Journal article

Challenges of implementing lean principles in product development – the case of Visual planning

Ludvig Alfredson
18th EurOMA Conference, Cambridge, UK
Paper in proceeding

Visualisera mera! – förbättra teamets kommunikation genom att planera visuellt

Ludvig Alfredson
Management of Innovation and Technology. Vol. 2011 (2)
Magazine article

Product Development Management

Ludvig Lindlöf, Björn Söderberg, Azadeh Fazl Mashhadi et al
Entering the Tigers Cave
Book chapter

Knowledge transfer - The Lean Product Development Perspective

Ludvig Alfredson, Björn Söderberg, Magnus Persson
17th International Product Development Conference "The innovation in crisis time", June 14-15, Murcia, Spain.
Paper in proceeding

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Showing 2 research projects


Middle managers and organizational renewal - organizational conditions for agility in innovation work

Ludvig Lindlöf Innovation and R&D Management

1 publication exists

Adaptivt ledarskap för ökad innovationsförmåga - org. förutsättningar för självorganiserade team

Johannes Berglind Söderqvist Innovation and R&D Management
Ludvig Lindlöf Innovation and R&D Management
Lars Trygg Innovation and R&D Management

7 publications exist
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