Amir Malakizadi
Amir Malakizadi's main focus is placed on FE simulation of materials processing. In particular, he has worked on simulation of various heat treatment and metal cutting processes. His current research activities aim at developing methods and models for reliable estimations of tool wear in metal cutting process. Apart from the common experimental approaches, he uses FE modelling as a tool for optimisation of machining operations.
Amir Malakizadi received his B.Sc in Materials Engineering at Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic) in 2008 and his M.Sc in Advanced Engineering Materials at Chalmers University of Technology in 2010.
Before coming to Sweden, he worked in a CAE division of an engine design company for more than two years and was involved in different research and development activities, for instance developing different post-processing codes for the fatigue lifetime prediction based on Finite Element (FE) simulation results.

Showing 33 publications
Sensor-based identification of tool wear in turning
Towards an accurate estimation of heat flux distribution in metal cutting by machine learning
An enhanced semi-analytical estimation of tool-chip interface temperature in metal cutting
A physics-based constitutive model for machining simulation of Ti-6Al-4V titanium alloy
Influence of batch-to-batch material variations on grindability of a medium‑carbon steel
Recent advances in modelling and simulation of surface integrity in machining - A review
An ML-based approach for inverse identification of heat flux in machining
Post-processing of additively manufactured metallic alloys – A review
FE modeling and simulation of machining Alloy 718 based on ductile continuum damage
Physics-based approach for predicting dissolution‒diffusion tool wear in machining
A new constitutive model for cutting simulation of 316L austenitic stainless steel
Characterization of abrasion- and dissolution-induced tool wear in machining
Effect of cryogenic cooling and tool wear on surface integrity of turned Ti-6Al-4V
Inverse identification of flow stress in metal cutting process using Response Surface Methodology
An FEM-based approach for tool wear estimation in machining
Influence of friction models on FE simulation results of orthogonal cutting process
Optimisation of Machining Operations by means of Finite Element Method and Tailored Experiments
Wear mechanism of CBN inserts during machining of bimetal aluminum-grey cast iron engine block
Optimisation of Machining Operations by means of Finite Element Method and Tailored Experiments
Critical aspects of sinter-hardening of prealloyed Cr-Mo steel
High cycle fatigue life assessment of a heavy duty diesel engine cylinder head
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Showing 3 research projects
Flerskalig modellering av arbetsmaterialet vid skärandebearbetning
A framework for the physics-based estimation of tool wear in machining process (WEAR-FRAME)
A simulation based guide to machinability assessment