András Bálint

Showing 27 publications


Exploring European Heavy Goods Vehicle Crashes Using a Three-Level Analysis of Crash Data

Ron Schindler, Michael Jänsch, András Bálint et al
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. Vol. 19 (2)
Journal article

Making a few talk for the many – Modeling driver behavior using synthetic populations generated from experimental data

Ron Schindler, Carol Flannagan, András Bálint et al
Accident Analysis and Prevention. Vol. 162
Journal article

Multitasking additional-to-driving: Prevalence, structure, and associated risk in SHRP2 naturalistic driving data

András Bálint, Carol Flannagan, Andrew Leslie et al
Accident Analysis and Prevention. Vol. 137
Journal article

Mapping fractures from traffic accidents in Sweden: How do cyclists compare to other road users?

Lauren Meredith, Jordanka Kovaceva, András Bálint
Traffic Injury Prevention. Vol. 21 (3), p. 209-214
Journal article

Equestrian-related injuries, predictors of fatalities, and the impact on the public health system in Sweden

Lauren Meredith, Robert Thomson, Robert Ekman et al
Public Health. Vol. 168, p. 67-75
Journal article

Replacement of distractions with other distractions: A propensity-based approach to estimating realistic crash odds ratios for driver engagement in secondary tasks

Carol Flannagan, Jonas Bärgman, András Bálint
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour. Vol. 63, p. 186-192
Journal article

Assessment of the PROSPECT safety systems including socio-economic evaluation

Jordanka Kovaceva, András Bálint, Ron Schindler et al

Comparing motor-vehicle crash risk of EU and US vehicles

Carol Flannagan, András Bálint, Kathleen D. Klinich et al
Accident Analysis and Prevention. Vol. 117, p. 392-397
Journal article

On the convergence of driver centric zone pricing for traffic networks

Péter Kovacs, Balázs Adam Kulcsár, Henk Wymeersch et al
RM18: Swedish Control Confrence 2018 (Reglermöte 2018)
Other conference contribution

A novel approach to study the health consequences of road crashes

Helen Fagerlind, Julie Brown, András Bálint
Journal of Transport and Health. Vol. 7, p. 280-287
Journal article

Car-to-cyclist crashes in Europe and derivation of use cases as basis for test scenarios of next generation advanced driver assistance systems – results from PROSPECT

Marcus Wisch, Markus Lerner, Jordanka Kovaceva et al
Proceedings of the 25th ESV conference, Detroit, Paper Number 17-0396
Other conference contribution

Accident Analysis, Naturalistic Driving Studies and Project Implications

M Wisch, M Lerner, A Schneider et al

On-Scene Injury Severity Prediction (OSISP) Algorithm for Truck Occupants

Stefan Candefjord, Ruben Buendia, Helen Fagerlind et al
Traffic Injury Prevention. Vol. 16, p. 190-196
Journal article

On scene injury prediction (OSISP) algorithm for car occupants

Ruben Buendia, Stefan Candefjord, Helen Fagerlind et al
Accident Analysis and Prevention. Vol. 81, p. 211-217
Journal article

Mutual Recognition Methodology Development

Carol A.C. Flannagan, Paul E. Green, Kathleen D. Klinich et al

Comparing motor-vehicle crash risk of EU and US vehicles

Carol A. Flannagan, András Bálint, Kathleen D. Klinich et al

Contributing factors to car crashes related to driver inattention for different age groups

Jordanka Kovaceva, András Bálint, Helen Fagerlind
Proceedings of the 4th International Driver Distraction and Inattention Conference, Sydney, New South Wales, November 2015
Paper in proceeding

Traffic safety of Heavy Goods Vehicles and implications for High Capacity Transport vehicles

Jesper Sandin, András Bálint, Helen Fagerlind et al
Transport Research Arena 2014, Paris
Conference poster

Accident analysis for traffic safety aspects of High Capacity Transports

András Bálint, Helen Fagerlind, Jan Martinsson et al

On the critical value function in the divide and color model

András Bálint, Vincent Beffara, Vincent Tassion
Alea. Vol. 10 (2), p. 653-666
Journal article

Confidence intervals for the critical value in the divide and color model

András Bálint, Vincent Beffara, Vincent Tassion
Alea. Vol. 10 (2), p. 667-679
Journal article

Mathematical analysis of braking in rear-end crash scenarios

András Bálint
Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Enhanced Safety of Vehicles, Paper Number 13-0159
Other conference contribution

Correlation between truck combination length and injury risk

András Bálint, Helen Fagerlind, Jan Martinsson et al
2013 Australasian College of Road Safety Conference – “A Safe System: The Road Safety Discussion” Adelaide
Other conference contribution

A test-based method for the assessment of pre-crash warning and braking systems

András Bálint, Helen Fagerlind, Anders Kullgren
Accident Analysis and Prevention. Vol. 59, p. 192-199
Journal article

ASSESS deliverable D2.2, Socio-economic impact of safety systems

Jan-André Bühne, Andreas Lüdeke, Susanne Schönebeck et al

ASSESS deliverable D1.4, Safety impact assessment of integrated vehicle safety systems

András Bálint, Helen Fagerlind, Jan-André Bühne et al

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Showing 8 research projects


Proactive SAFEty systems and tools for a constantly UPgrading road environment (SAFE-UP)

Johan Iraeus Injury Prevention
Johan Davidsson Injury Prevention
Jordanka Kovaceva Vehicle Safety
András Bálint Crash Analysis and Prevention
Yash Niranjan Poojary Injury Prevention
Ron Schindler Crash Analysis and Prevention
European Commission (EC)

8 publications exist

Multi-disciplinary research for a Safe Transition to automated transport in the cities of tomorrow (MuST)

Marco Dozza Crash Analysis and Prevention
Rebecka Jörnsten Applied Mathematics and Statistics
Eric Knauss Software Engineering for Testing, Requirements, Innovation and Psychology
Erik Ström Communication, Antennas and Optical Networks
Jonas Bärgman Crash Analysis and Prevention
Christian Berger Software Engineering for Cyber Physical Systems
András Bálint Crash Analysis and Prevention


Future Occupant Safety for Crashes in Cars (OSCCAR)

András Bálint Vehicle Safety
Jason Fice Vehicle Safety
Erik Eliasson Vehicle Safety
Johan Davidsson Vehicle Safety
Johan Iraeus Vehicle Safety
Hosein Naseri Dynamics
European Commission (EC)

11 publications exist

Aerodynamic and Flexible Trucks for Next Generation of Long Distance Road Transport (AEROFLEX)

András Bálint Crash Analysis and Prevention
Ron Schindler Crash Analysis and Prevention
Giulio Bianchi Piccinini Vehicle Safety
European Commission (EC)

5 publications exist

Safety aware vehicular routing using on-car sensors

Balázs Adam Kulcsár Automatic Control
Henk Wymeersch Communication Systems
András Bálint Vehicle Safety
Furkan Keskin Automatic Control

3 publications exist

Proactive Safety for Pedestrians and Cyclists (PROSPECT)

Jordanka Kovaceva Accident Prevention
Ron Schindler Crash Analysis and Prevention
András Bálint Crash Analysis and Prevention
European Commission (EC)

6 publications exist

National In-depth Road Accident Database

Helen Fagerlind Traffic Safety Data
Jan Martinsson Traffic Safety Data
Li Hagström Traffic Safety Data
Jan-Ove Åsbogård Traffic Safety Data
Kristian Holmqvist Unknown organization
András Bálint Traffic Safety Data
Hans Norin Vehicle Engineering and Autonomous Systems
Karin Brolin Person Injury Prevention
Swedish Research Council (VR)


Critical values and correlation inequalities in dependent percolation models

András Bálint Vehicle Safety
Swedish Research Council (VR)

There might be more projects where András Bálint participates, but you have to be logged in as a Chalmers employee to see them.