Andreas Schaefer

Researcher at Applied Chemistry

Andreas is a researcher in the division of Applied chemistry. He is responsible for the X-ray fluorescence spectrometer and the physisorption/chemisorption laboratory in the division. He conducts his research in Per-Anders Carlsson's group and focuses on the study of structure and reactivity/activity of heterogeneous catalysts based on oxide materials with and without transition metals. He is furthermore experienced in X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, experimentation at synchrotron facilities, and vacuum technology.
Andreas finished his doctorate (Dr. rer. nat) in physical chemistry and surface physics at the University of Bremen, Germany in 2010. He then worked as a post-doc at the condensed matter physics division at Ångströmlaboratoriet of Uppsala University (until 2012), the Institute of applied and Physical Chemistry at the University of Bremen (until 2015), and the division for synchrotron radiation research at Lunds Universitet until he joined Chalmers in 2017.

Image of Andreas Schaefer

Showing 30 publications


Surface grain orientation mapping using grazing incidence X-ray diffraction

Hanna Sjö, Anatoly Shabalin, Ulrich Lienert et al
Surface Science. Vol. 754
Journal article

Catalytic Conversion of Furans to Aromatics over Ga-MFI Zeotypes with Varying Gallium Content

Guido J.L. de Reijer, Andreas Schaefer, Anders Hellman et al
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. Vol. 64 (4), p. 2025-2035
Journal article

Impact of Vanadium Loading and Thermal Aging on the Surface Properties of Titania-Supported Vanadium Oxide

Alexander Nellessen, Andreas Schaefer, Anna Martinelli et al
Journal of Physical Chemistry C. Vol. 128 (7), p. 2894-2908
Journal article

Why nitrogen oxide inhibits CO oxidation over highly dispersed platinum ceria catalysts

Mengqiao Di, Andreas Schaefer, Felix Hemmingsson et al
Catalysis Today. Vol. 426
Journal article

Alloying and oxidation of PdAu thin films

Helen Edström, Andreas Schaefer, Leon Jacobse et al
Thin Solid Films. Vol. 790
Journal article

Cellulose modified to host functionalities via facile cation exchange approach

Panagiotis Spiliopoulos, Saül Llacer Navarro, Eliott Orzan et al
Carbohydrate Polymers. Vol. 332
Journal article

Magnetic properties of ilmenite used for oxygen carrier aided combustion

Robin Faust, Ignacio Lamarca, Andreas Schaefer et al
Fuel. Vol. 340
Journal article

Isomorphous Substitution of Gallium into MFI-Framework Zeolite Increases 2,5-Dimethylfuran to Aromatics Selectivity and Suppresses Catalyst Deactivation

Christopher Sauer, Guido de Reijer, Andreas Schaefer et al
Topics in Catalysis. Vol. 66, p. 1329-1340
Journal article

Polymer Brushes on Silica Nanostructures Prepared by Aminopropylsilatrane Click Chemistry: Superior Antifouling and Biofunctionality

John Andersson, Julia Järlebark, Sriram Kesarimangalam et al
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. Vol. 15 (7), p. 10228-10239
Journal article

Steps and catalytic reactions: CO oxidation with preadsorbed O on Rh(553)

Chu Zhang, Baochang Wang, Anders Hellman et al
Surface Science. Vol. 715
Journal article

Chasing PtO<inf>x</inf> species in ceria supported platinum during CO oxidation extinction with correlative operando spectroscopic techniques

Mengqiao Di, Kerry Simmance, Andreas Schaefer et al
Journal of Catalysis. Vol. 409, p. 1-11
Journal article

Valorisation of 2,5-dimethylfuran over zeolite catalysts studied by on-line FTIR-MS gas phase analysis

Christopher Sauer, Anders Loren, Andreas Schaefer et al
Catalysis Science and Technology. Vol. 12 (3), p. 750-761
Journal article

Oxygen induced faceting of Cu(911)

Benjamin Hagman, Andreas Schaefer, Helen Edström et al
Surface Science. Vol. 715
Journal article

Magnetic Properties of Ilmenite used for Oxygen Carrier Aided Combustion

Robin Faust, Ignacio Lamarca, Andreas Schaefer et al
Other conference contribution

Can oxygen vacancies in ceria surfaces be measured by O1s photoemission spectroscopy?

Noemi Bosio, Andreas Schaefer, Henrik Grönbeck
Journal of physics. Condensed matter : an Institute of Physics journal. Vol. 34 (17)
Journal article

Synthesis and Characterization of Catalytically Active Au Core─Pd Shell Nanoparticles Supported on Alumina

Yanyue Feng, Andreas Schaefer, Anders Hellman et al
Langmuir. Vol. 38 (42), p. 12859-12870
Journal article

On-Line Composition Analysis of Complex Hydrocarbon Streams by Time-Resolved Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy and Ion− Molecule Reaction Mass Spectrometry

Christopher Sauer, Anders Lorén, Andreas Schaefer et al
Analytical Chemistry. Vol. 93 (39), p. 13187-13195
Journal article

Role of hydroxylation for the atomic structure of a non-polar vicinal zinc oxide

Elin Grånäs, Michael Busch, Björn Arndt et al
Communications Chemistry. Vol. 4 (1)
Journal article

Hampered PdO Redox Dynamics by Water Suppresses Lean Methane Oxidation over Realistic Palladium Catalysts

Peter Velin, Felix Hemmingsson, Andreas Schaefer et al
ChemCatChem. Vol. 13 (17), p. 3765-3771
Journal article

Deactivation of a Vanadium-Based SCR Catalyst Used in a Biogas-Powered Euro VI Heavy-Duty Engine Installation

Johanna Englund, Sandra Dahlin, Andreas Schaefer et al
Catalysts. Vol. 10 (5)
Journal article

CO2 Methanation over Rh/CeO2 Studied with Infrared Modulation Excitation Spectroscopy and Phase Sensitive Detection

Felix Hemmingsson, Andreas Schaefer, Magnus Skoglundh et al
Catalysts. Vol. 10 (6)
Journal article

Water Inhibition in Methane Oxidation over Alumina Supported Palladium Catalysts

Peter Velin, Martin Ek, Magnus Skoglundh et al
Journal of Physical Chemistry C. Vol. 123 (42), p. 25724-25737
Journal article

Structure-function relationship for CO2 methanation over ceria supported Rh and Ni catalysts under atmospheric pressure conditions

Natalia Mihaela Martin, Felix Hemmingsson, Andreas Schaefer et al
Catalysis Science and Technology. Vol. 9 (7), p. 1644-1653
Journal article

Deactivation of a Pd/Pt Bimetallic Oxidation Catalyst Used in a Biogas-Powered Euro VI Heavy-Duty Engine Installation

Johanna Englund, Kunpeng Xie, Sandra Dahlin et al
Catalysts. Vol. 9 (12)
Journal article

Thermal reduction of ceria nanostructures on rhodium(111) and re-oxidation by CO2

Andreas Schaefer, Benjamin Hagman, Jan Höcker et al
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. Vol. 20 (29), p. 19447-19457
Journal article

Steps Control the Dissociation of CO2 on Cu(100)

Benjamin Hagman, Alvaro Posada Borbon, Andreas Schaefer et al
Journal of the American Chemical Society. Vol. 140 (40), p. 12974-12979
Journal article

The Role of Oxides in Catalytic CO Oxidation over Rhodium and Palladium

Gustafson Johan, Olivier Balmes, Chu Zhang et al
ACS Catalysis. Vol. 8 (5), p. 4438-4445
Journal article

Initial oxidation of Cu(100) studied by X-ray photo-electron spectroscopy and density functional theory calculations

Alvaro Posada Borbon, Benjamin Hagman, Andreas Schaefer et al
Surface Science. Vol. 675, p. 64-69
Journal article

First layer water phases on anatase TiO2(101)

Andreas Schaefer, V. Lanzilotto, U. Cappel et al
Surface Science. Vol. 674, p. 25-31
Journal article

Defect-Induced Water Bilayer Growth on Anatase TiO2(101)

Andreas Schaefer, V. Lanzilotto, U. Cappel et al
Langmuir. Vol. 34 (37), p. 10856-10864
Journal article

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