Andreas Schaefer
Andreas is a researcher in the division of Applied chemistry. He is responsible for the X-ray fluorescence spectrometer and the physisorption/chemisorption laboratory in the division. He conducts his research in Per-Anders Carlsson's group and focuses on the study of structure and reactivity/activity of heterogeneous catalysts based on oxide materials with and without transition metals. He is furthermore experienced in X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, experimentation at synchrotron facilities, and vacuum technology.
Andreas finished his doctorate (Dr. rer. nat) in physical chemistry and surface physics at the University of Bremen, Germany in 2010. He then worked as a post-doc at the condensed matter physics division at Ångströmlaboratoriet of Uppsala University (until 2012), the Institute of applied and Physical Chemistry at the University of Bremen (until 2015), and the division for synchrotron radiation research at Lunds Universitet until he joined Chalmers in 2017.

Showing 30 publications
Surface grain orientation mapping using grazing incidence X-ray diffraction
Catalytic Conversion of Furans to Aromatics over Ga-MFI Zeotypes with Varying Gallium Content
Why nitrogen oxide inhibits CO oxidation over highly dispersed platinum ceria catalysts
Alloying and oxidation of PdAu thin films
Cellulose modified to host functionalities via facile cation exchange approach
Magnetic properties of ilmenite used for oxygen carrier aided combustion
Steps and catalytic reactions: CO oxidation with preadsorbed O on Rh(553)
Oxygen induced faceting of Cu(911)
Magnetic Properties of Ilmenite used for Oxygen Carrier Aided Combustion
Can oxygen vacancies in ceria surfaces be measured by O1s photoemission spectroscopy?
Role of hydroxylation for the atomic structure of a non-polar vicinal zinc oxide
Water Inhibition in Methane Oxidation over Alumina Supported Palladium Catalysts
Thermal reduction of ceria nanostructures on rhodium(111) and re-oxidation by CO2
Steps Control the Dissociation of CO2 on Cu(100)
The Role of Oxides in Catalytic CO Oxidation over Rhodium and Palladium
First layer water phases on anatase TiO2(101)
Defect-Induced Water Bilayer Growth on Anatase TiO2(101)
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