Anna Lunde Hermansson

Project Assistant at Maritime Studies

Anna is a marine chemist whose research focuses on marine environmental effects from shipping, with a main focus on exhaust gas cleaning systems, i.e. scrubbers. Scrubbers are used to reduce the sulphur and particulates in exhausts, enabling ships to continue to run on high sulphur fuel oils (HFOs). In practice, this results in a shift where emissions of pollutants are moved from air to the water. The scrubber wash water, often seawater that has been sprayed over the exhaust and discharged without any cleaning steps, is acidic and consist of a mixture of toxic components such as heavy metals and organic compounds with negative impacts on the marine environment. The goal is to provide a holistic view on how shipping impact the marine environment and, together with other stakeholders, contribute to a more sustainable development within the shipping sector. Anna has a BSc and MSc degree in Marine Sciences with a focus in Marine Chemistry.

Image of Anna Lunde Hermansson

Showing 20 publications


Central Arctic Ocean surface-atmosphere exchange of CO2 and CH4 constrained by direct measurements

John Prytherch, Sonja Murto, Ian Brown et al
Biogeosciences. Vol. 21 (2), p. 671-688
Journal article

Particulate and Gaseous Emissions from a Large Two-Stroke Slow-Speed Marine Engine Equipped with Open-Loop Scrubber under Real Sailing Conditions

A. Grigoriadis, Nikolaos Kousias, Anastasios Raptopoulos-Chatzistefanou et al
Atmosphere. Vol. 15 (7)
Journal article

Strong economic incentives of ship scrubbers promoting pollution

Anna Lunde Hermansson, Ida-Maja Hassellöv, T. Grönholm et al
Nature Sustainability. Vol. 7 (6), p. 812-822
Journal article

EMERGE deliverable 6.1. Baltic and North Sea report

Erik Ytreberg, Anna Lunde Hermansson, Ida-Maja Hassellöv et al

EMERGE deliverable 2.4. Multivariate prediction of scrubber water toxicity

Anna Lunde Hermansson, Mikael Gustavsson, Erik Ytreberg et al

Multivariate prediction of scrubber water toxicity

Anna Lunde Hermansson, Mikael Gustavsson, Erik Ytreberg et al

Characterization of scrubber water discharges from ships using comprehensive suspect screening strategies based on GC-APCI-HRMS

Elisa García-Gómez, G. Gkotsis, M. C. Nika et al
Chemosphere. Vol. 343
Journal article

Cumulative environmental risk assessment of metals and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from ship activities in ports

Anna Lunde Hermansson, Ida-Maja Hassellöv, J. P. Jalkanen et al
Marine Pollution Bulletin. Vol. 189
Journal article

Impacts of exhaust gas cleaning systems (EGCS) discharge waters on planktonic biological indicators

Marco Picone, Martina Russo, Gabriele Giuseppe Distefano et al
Marine Pollution Bulletin. Vol. 190
Journal article

Zinc in sediment - an environmental quality standard overview

Anna Lunde Hermansson, Erik Ytreberg

Navigating towards environmental impact assessment of shipping

Anna Lunde Hermansson
Licentiate thesis

Metal and PAH loads from ships and boats, relative other sources, in the Baltic Sea

Erik Ytreberg, Katarina Hansson, Anna Lunde Hermansson et al
Marine Pollution Bulletin. Vol. 182
Journal article

Comparing emissions of polyaromatic hydrocarbons and metals from marine fuels and scrubbers

Anna Lunde Hermansson, Ida-Maja Hassellöv, Jana Moldanova et al
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment. Vol. 97
Journal article

Copper as a HELCOM core indicator

Maria Lagerström, Anna Lunde Hermansson, Erik Ytreberg

Tankrengöring och dess påverkan på havsmiljön

Anna Lunde Hermansson, Ida-Maja Hassellöv
Report - Swedish Institute for the Marine Environment

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Showing 6 research projects


Update and development of new assessment criteria for metals

Erik Ytreberg Maritime Environmental Sciences
Anna Lunde Hermansson Maritime Environmental Sciences
The Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management

2 publications exist

Review on scrubber discharge water and hybrid fuels, derivation of an indicator for copper in marine sediments and expert support at ICES WG SHIP

Ida-Maja Hassellöv Maritime Environmental Sciences
Erik Ytreberg Maritime Environmental Sciences
Anna Lunde Hermansson Maritime Environmental Sciences
Maria Lagerström Maritime Environmental Sciences
The Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management

1 publication exists

Sustainable shipping

Ida-Maja Hassellöv Maritime Environmental Sciences
Erik Ytreberg Maritime Environmental Sciences
Anna Lunde Hermansson Maritime Environmental Sciences
Amanda Nylund Maritime Environmental Sciences
Rickard Bensow Marine Technology
The Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management

4 publications exist

Evaluation, control and Mitigation of the EnviRonmental impacts of shippinG Emissions (EMERGE)

Ida-Maja Hassellöv Maritime Environmental Sciences
Kent Salo Maritime Environmental Sciences
Anna Lunde Hermansson Maritime Environmental Sciences
Erik Ytreberg Maritime Environmental Sciences
Amanda Nylund Maritime Environmental Sciences
European Commission (EC)

18 publications exist

Pre-study: Chemical discharges from tank cleaning operations

Ida-Maja Hassellöv Maritime Environmental Sciences
Anna Lunde Hermansson Maritime Environmental Sciences
The Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management

1 publication exists

Better environmental performance in shipping and improved onboard practices

Fredrik Olindersson Maritime Studies
Kjell Saebbö Nautical Studies
Christopher Anderberg Nautical Studies
Mehran Javadi Maritime Environmental Sciences
Lars Telestam Nautical Studies
Ida-Maja Hassellöv Maritime Environmental Sciences
Lena Granhag Maritime Environmental Sciences
Anna Lunde Hermansson Maritime Environmental Sciences
The Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management

There might be more projects where Anna Lunde Hermansson participates, but you have to be logged in as a Chalmers employee to see them.