Joakim Dahlman
Showing 35 publications
Navigators’ views of a collision avoidance decision support system for maritime navigation
Using operational scenarios in a virtual reality enhanced design process
The Anchoring Effect of Technology in Navigation Teams
Analysing human factors for naval navigation accidents using HFACS
Validation of a Behavioral Marker System for Rating Cadet's Non-Technical Skills
Visualization in Maritime Navigation: A Critical Review
Use of Hypnotic and Alertness Medications (HAMs) in the U.S. Military
Development of a Behavioural Marker System for Rating Cadet ’ s Non- Technical Skills
What is maritime navigation? Unfolding the complexity of a Sociotechnical System
Perceived success factors of participatory ergonomics in ship design
Modelling Vessel Traffic Service to understand resilience in everyday operations
Maritime Traffic Situations in Bornholmsgat
Träning och bedömning av professionellt agerande i simulatormiljö
Usability of the SAFEWAY2SCHOOL system in children with cognitive disabilities
Exploring non-technical miscommunication in vessel traffic service operation
Ship sense - striving for harmony in ship manoeuvring
Träning och bedömning av professionellt agerande i simulatormiljö
Information architecture for fast response craft - Command & control & human systems integration
Developing a standard methodology for dynamic navigation in the littoral environment
Evacuation in Practice - Observations from Five Full Scale Exercises
The Whats, Whens, Whys and Hows of VTS Operator use of Sensor Information
High Speed Craft Command and Control - A Preliminary model
Performance and autonomic responses during motion sickness
Eye tracking of maritime watch-keepers: What's safe navigation pattern?
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Showing 2 research projects
Survey of advanced immersive training technologies in Europe