Joakim Dahlman

Showing 35 publications


Navigators’ views of a collision avoidance decision support system for maritime navigation

Katie A Aylward, Reto Weber, Monica Lundh et al
Journal of Navigation. Vol. 75 (5), p. 1035-1048
Journal article

Using operational scenarios in a virtual reality enhanced design process

Katie A Aylward, Joakim Dahlman, Kjetil Nordby et al
Education Sciences. Vol. 11 (8)
Journal article

The Anchoring Effect of Technology in Navigation Teams

Vitor Fernando Placido da Conceicao, Carlos Teles, Joakim Dahlman
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. Vol. 1212 AISC, p. 436-443
Paper in proceeding

Analysing human factors for naval navigation accidents using HFACS

Vitor Fernando Placido da Conceicao, A. C. Canas, Joakim Dahlman
Proceedings in Marine Technology and Ocean Engineering, p. 319-327
Book chapter

Validation of a Behavioral Marker System for Rating Cadet's Non-Technical Skills

Vitor Fernando Placido da Conceicao, J. B. Mendes, M. F. Teodoro et al
TransNav. Vol. 13 (1), p. 89-96
Journal article

A case study of user adherence and software project performance barriers from a sociotechnical viewpoint

Nicole Almeida Costa, Florian Vesting, Joakim Dahlman et al
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. Vol. 787, p. 12-23
Paper in proceeding

Visualization in Maritime Navigation: A Critical Review

Victor Fernando Placido da Conceicao, Maria Beatriz Carmo, Joakim Dahlman et al
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. Vol. 597, p. 199-212
Paper in proceeding

Use of Hypnotic and Alertness Medications (HAMs) in the U.S. Military

N. L. Shattuck, K. Smith, P. Matsangas et al
NASA Human Research Investigators Workshop, January 23-26, Galveston, TX.
Conference poster

Development of a Behavioural Marker System for Rating Cadet ’ s Non- Technical Skills

Victor Fernando Placido da Conceicao, João Basso, Fernando Custódio Lopes et al
TransNav, International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation. Vol. 11 (2)
Paper in proceeding

What is maritime navigation? Unfolding the complexity of a Sociotechnical System

Victor Fernando Placido da Conceicao, Joakim Dahlman, Ana Ferreira
Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. Vol. 61 (1), p. 267-271
Paper in proceeding

Visual search strategies of pedestrians with and without visual and cognitive impairments in a shared zone: A proof of concept study

R Earl, T. Falkmer, S Girdler et al
Land Use Policy. Vol. 57, p. 327-334
Journal article

Perceived success factors of participatory ergonomics in ship design

Nicole Almeida Costa, Linda de Vries, Joakim Dahlman et al
Occupational Ergonomics. Vol. 12 (4), p. 141-150
Journal article

Modelling Vessel Traffic Service to understand resilience in everyday operations

Gesa Praetorius, E. Hollnagel, Joakim Dahlman
Reliability Engineering and System Safety. Vol. 141, p. 10-21
Journal article

Maritime Traffic Situations in Bornholmsgat

Fredrik Olindersson, Carl-Erik Janson, Joakim Dahlman
Journal article

Träning och bedömning av professionellt agerande i simulatormiljö

Charlott Sellberg, Hans Rystedt, Oskar Lindwall et al
Chalmers annual Conference on Teaching and Learning (KUL2014)
Other conference contribution

In video war games, are military personnel’s fixation patterns different compared with those of civilians?

Håkan Söderberg, Junaid Khalid, Mohammed Rayees et al
Journal of Defense Modeling and Simulation. Vol. 11 (4), p. 329-338
Journal article

Usability of the SAFEWAY2SCHOOL system in children with cognitive disabilities

T. Falkmer, C. Horlin, Joakim Dahlman et al
European Transport Research Review. Vol. 6 (2), p. 127-137
Journal article

Exploring non-technical miscommunication in vessel traffic service operation

Anders Brödje, Monica Lundh, Johan Jenvald et al
Cognition, Technology and Work. Vol. 15 (3), p. 347-357
Journal article

Ship sense - striving for harmony in ship manoeuvring

Johannes Prison, Joakim Dahlman, Monica Lundh
WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs. Vol. 12 (1), p. 115-127
Journal article

Träning och bedömning av professionellt agerande i simulatormiljö

Charlott Sellberg, Hans Rystedt, Oskar Lindwall et al
Högskolepedagogisk konferens i Göteborg (HKG 2013)
Other conference contribution

Information architecture for fast response craft - Command & control & human systems integration

T Dobbins, Fredrik Forsman, J. Hill et al
RINA, Royal Institution of Naval Architects - International Conference on SURV 2013, Surveillance Search and Rescue Craft, p. 117-120
Paper in proceeding

Information and repetition change children's visual strategies when viewing magic tricks and without gaze cues

A. Ordqvist, M Falkmer, R Parson et al
Perceptual and Motor Skills. Vol. 116 (1), p. 144-162
Journal article

Developing a standard methodology for dynamic navigation in the littoral environment

Fredrik Forsman, Joakim Dahlman, T Dobbins
Royal Institute of Naval Architects, International Conference, Human Factors in Ship Design and operation. Vol. 2011, p. 133-140
Paper in proceeding

Working conditions in the engine department - A qualitative study among engine room personnel on board Swedish merchant ships

Monica Lundh, Margareta Lützhöft, Leif Rydstedt et al
Applied Ergonomics. Vol. 42 (2), p. 384-390
Journal article

Applied Cognitive Task Analysis as a tool for analyzing work demands in a C4I environment: a case study using a mid-fidelity simulation

Anders Brödje, Johannes Prison, Johan Jenvald et al
D. de Waard, N. Gérard, L. Onnasch, R. Wiczorek, and D. Manzey (Eds.) (2011). Human Centred Automation, p. 313 - 326
Book chapter

Evacuation in Practice - Observations from Five Full Scale Exercises

Monica Lundh, Margareta Lützhöft, Leif Rydstedt et al
WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs. Vol. 9 (2), p. 137-151
Journal article

System Simulations for Safety

Margareta Lützhöft, Thomas Porathe, Johan Jenvald et al
Proceedings of the International Conference on Human Performance at Sea 2010., p. 3-10
Paper in proceeding

The Whats, Whens, Whys and Hows of VTS Operator use of Sensor Information

Anders Brödje, Margareta Lützhöft, Joakim Dahlman
Proceedings of International Conference on Human Performance at Sea, p. 161-172
Paper in proceeding

Salivary cortisol response to acute stress and its relation to psychological factors in women with chronic trapezius myalgia - A pilote study

Anna Sjörs, Britt Larsson, Björn Karlsson et al
Psychoneuroendocrinology. Vol. 35 (5), p. 674-685
Journal article

High Speed Craft Command and Control - A Preliminary model

Trevor David Dobbins, Joakim Dahlman, Julie Stark
Human Factors and Ergonomic Society, European Chapter. Vol. 14-16 October 2009 Linköping
Conference poster

Physiological responses to low-force work and psychological stress in women with chronic trapezius myalgia

Anna Sjörs, Britt Larsson, Joakim Dahlman et al
BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders. Vol. 10 (63), p. 1-16
Journal article

Performance and autonomic responses during motion sickness

Joakim Dahlman, Anna Sjörs, Johan Lindström et al
Human Factors. Vol. 51 (1), p. 56-66
Journal article

Eye tracking during high speed navigation at sea: Field trial in search of navigational gaze behaviour

Joakim Dahlman, Fredrik Forsman, Anna Sjörs et al
Proceedings of the 6th annual meeting of the society for human performance in extreme environments
Paper in proceeding

Eye tracking of maritime watch-keepers: What's safe navigation pattern?

Tania Dukic, Margareta Lützhöft, Joakim Dahlman
14th European Conference on Eye Movements
Paper in proceeding

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Showing 2 research projects


Survey of advanced immersive training technologies in Europe

Joakim Dahlman Nautical Studies
Office of Naval Research Global


Stress on Ships (SOS)

Joakim Dahlman Nautical Studies
European Commission (EC)

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